9 随意的谈话
[00:04.94]Do you understand? (懂吗?)
[00:14.73]Is that clear? (清楚了吗?)
[00:19.83]Get the picture? (你了解情况吗? )
[00:25.56]Do you know what I mean? (你懂我说的意思吗?)
[00:32.76]Are you listening to me?(你在听吗?)
[00:38.77]Are you blind? (你不知道吗?)
[00:44.46]You know what I'm talking about. (你明白我说的意思吧。 )
[00:53.33]I said that, didn't I? (我是那样说的吧? )
[01:00.82]Do you know that?(你知道那事吗? )
[01:07.44]Do you happen to know...?(说不定你知道……吧? )
[01:16.02]I can't tell the difference.(我辨别不出来。 )
[01:23.96]Can you hear me? (你听得见吗?)
[01:30.12]Did you hear me?(你听见我说的了吗? )
[01:40.16]I understand. (知道了。)
[01:45.76]See? 明白了吗?
[01:50.12]I understand very well. (完全明白。)
[01:58.14]I think I understand. (我想我懂了。 )
[02:05.97]I see what you mean. (我明白你说的了。 )
[02:13.11]I know that too well. (我太清楚那种事了。 )
[02:22.12]I see your point. (我明白你的意思。)
[02:28.75]I get it. (噢,我终于明白了。)
[02:35.21]I got it. (这样啊,原来是这么回事。)
[02:41.67]I know that much!(这点事儿我还是知道的。 )
[02:49.55]That solves it. (原来是这样啊!)
[02:55.50]All right, all right. I understand. (好吧,好吧,我知道了。)
[03:05.54]I know. (我知道呀。)
[03:09.94]I know that person.(我认识那个人。 )
[03:16.24]I know him by sight. (我见过他。 )
[03:23.47]Yeah, I heard about it.(嗯,我听说了。 )
[03:31.68]I hear you. (我听着呢。/我知道了。)
[03:38.65]I'm following you. (我理解了。 )
[03:45.15]Makes sense. (言之有理。 )
[03:55.18]I don't understand.(我不明白。 )
[04:01.91]I don't really understand.(我不太明白。 )
[04:09.78]That's not clear. (我不清楚。 )
[04:16.04]I can't see your point. (我不明白你在说什么。)
[04:24.06]I can't understand what you mean.(我不明白你的意思。 )
[04:33.43]I'm not sure what you mean. (我弄不清楚你想说什么。)
[04:42.45]I don't know what's what. (我根本不知道这是怎么回事。 )
[04:51.33]It's over my head. (太难了,我弄不懂。)
[04:59.57]Your guess is as good as mine.(我也搞不清楚。 )
[05:08.74]The more I think about it, the less I understand it. (越想越糊涂。 )
[05:21.05]I don't know what he is driving at. (我不知道他要干什么。 )
[05:31.70]What's she after? (她到底想干什么?)
[05:39.16]I have no idea. (我一点儿都不知道。)
[05:47.12]I didn't know that. (我怎么不知道。)
[05:54.16]I don't know. (不知道。/不太清楚。)
[06:01.76]I don't know for sure. (我不太清楚。)
[06:08.94]No one knows for sure. (谁也不知道确切的情况。 )
[06:17.61]How should I know? (我怎么会知道?)
[06:24.79]Who knows? (谁能知道?)
[06:33.65]Yes? (有事吗?)
[06:37.74]What for?(为何? )
[06:42.07]Pardon me? (您说什么?)
[06:46.89]How about now? (现在怎么样? )
[06:52.30]Excuse me?(对不起,你说什么? )
[06:57.89]What?( 什么? )
[07:01.71]Did you say anything? (你说什么来着? )
[07:08.18]I'm sorry, what did you say? (对不起,你说什么来着? )
[07:16.95]So what?( 那又怎么样呢? )
[07:22.36]What does it mean?( 什么意思? )
[07:28.44]Are you saying that...? (你是说……吗? )
[07:36.73]Then what?(后来怎么样了? )
[07:42.04]What's he driving at? (他到底想干吗? )
[07:49.39]Would you repeat that, please? (您能再说一遍吗? _
[07:57.44]You're speaking too quickly.(您说得太快了。)
[08:05.59]Please say it more slowly.(请您再说慢一点儿。)
[08:14.00]I can't keep up. (我跟不上您说的。 )
[08:21.03]Please speak a little louder.(请再大一点儿声说。 )
[08:29.21]I can't hear you.(我听不见。 )
[08:35.33]I couldn't catch what you said. (我没听见你说什么。 )
[08:44.11]What are you talking about?(你在说什么呢? )
[08:53.32]Just like me!(就像我一样。 )
[08:59.76]Was it good? (好吃吗?)
[09:04.87]Did you have fun? (玩得高兴吗?)
[09:10.84]How do you like this suit? (这套衣服怎么样?)
[09:18.74]How did you like it? (你觉得怎么样?)
[09:24.63]Did you like it?(你喜欢吗? )
[09:30.15]What do you think of it? (你觉得那个怎么样? )
[09:42.67]How'd things turn out? (结果怎么样?)
[09:49.04]To make a long story short,... (长话短说…… )
[09:56.70]Just tell me the story in a nutshell. (你就简明扼要地说吧。 )
[10:06.75]Let me know the circumstances1.(告诉我详细情况。)
[10:14.02]A piece of cake.(轻而易举。 )
[10:19.76]So far, so good. (到现在为止还好。)
[10:26.83]So-so. (马马虎虎。)
[10:31.60]That's about it. ((事情)就是这样。)
[10:36.90]It was nothing.(没什么了不起的。)
[10:42.65]There's nothing to it.(这很简单。 )
[10:49.30]It worked!(啊,真灵! )
[10:54.16]It needs work.(还需再加把劲。 )
[10:59.75]Almost! (就差那么一点儿。)
[11:05.13]Going from bad to worse. (越来越不好。 )
[11:13.01]He made it big. (他一举成名。)
[11:19.15]We're set. (问题解决了。)
[11:28.11]I see. (我知道了。)
[11:33.12]Uh-huh. (嗯,嗯。 )
[11:37.53]You have?啊,(是吗? )
[11:42.28]Is that right?(是那样吗? )
[11:48.43]That's right. (是那样。 )
[11:53.58]Exactly! (没错! )
[11:58.63]Oh, yeah? (是吗? )
[12:03.13]Is that so?(是吗? )
[12:08.65]And? (然后呢? )
[12:12.80]Me, too. (我也是。 )
[12:17.11]Neither do I. (我也不…… )
[12:22.61]Don't be silly. (别说傻话。)
[12:28.37]That's too bad. (真是太倒霉了。)
[12:34.95]Are you sure? (真的吗? )
[12:40.10]What a shame! (真是太过分(遗憾)了! )
[12:46.47]Good! (那好哇。)
[12:50.74]What a surprise!(真叫人吃惊。 )
[12:57.74]I hope not. (我真希望不是这样。 )
[13:04.12]I hope so. (要是那样就好了! )
[13:10.37]Great! (太棒了! )
[13:15.09]Unbelievable! (难以置信!)
[13:21.12]No kidding!(开玩笑吧! )
[13:26.79]You bet2.(行!没问题! )
[13:36.69]Well... 嗯……
[13:41.80]Let me see. (让我想想。 )
[13:48.62]I mean... (我的意思是…… )
[13:55.07]It's on the tip of my tongue. (话就在嘴边上。)
[14:04.89]What should I say... (说什么好呢? )
[14:12.53]I don't know quite how to put this.(我真不知道该说什么好…… )
[14:23.58]Beats me. (这可让你问着了。)
[14:31.06]What do you call it? (叫什么来着? )
[14:38.46]You've got me. (让你问住了。)
[14:49.11]Say something. (你说点什么吧!)
[14:55.87]Tell me more (about it).(我想知道得详细一些。)
[15:04.74]How was your trip? (你的旅行怎么样?)
[15:11.11]I'm all ears. (我在认真地听呢。)
[15:17.99]How was the meeting? (会开得怎么样?)
[15:25.13]I'm listening. (继续说呀。 )
[15:30.34]I'd like to hear the story.(我很想听听那件事。)
[15:38.59]We had small talk. (我们只是闲聊一会儿。 )
[15:46.25]How was the movie? (电影怎么样?)
[15:52.77]Did you enjoy the play? (那部戏有意思吗?)
[16:00.35]I want to talk about it now.(我想现在就谈谈那件事。)
[16:09.32]Shoot! (说吧,说吧。 )
[16:13.97]Let's talk in English(.咱们说英语吧。 )
[16:20.92]Let's have a chat. (咱们聊会儿天吧! )
[16:27.57]To the point, please. (抓重点的说。 )
[16:33.81]How was your day? (今天过得怎么样?)
[16:43.88]Let's change the subject.(我们换个话题吧! )
[16:51.27]Let's get back to the subject. (言归正传。)
[16:58.68]I don't want to talk about it now.(我现在不想谈那件事。 )
[17:06.76]Let's talk about it later. (那事儿以后再说吧。)
[17:14.44]To change the subject...(另外我们说说…… )
[17:22.36]Well, all joking aside,...(好了,玩笑就到此…… )
[17:31.10]By the way,...(顺便提一下…… )
[17:36.76]You were saying? (你刚才说什么来着? )
[17:42.79]That reminds me.(啊,我想起来了。)
[17:49.36]Let's stop talking.(别说了。 )
[17:55.09]I've heard the story before. (那事儿我听过了。 )
[18:02.98]Let's drop the subject. (这件事别再说了。 )
[18:10.17]Don't say it so loud. (别那么大声说。)
[18:21.69]I've decided3.(我已经决定了。 )
[18:28.33]It's up to you. (一切都看你的了。 )
[18:35.25]You decide. (你决定吧!)
[18:41.23]This is the important point.(这是关键性的一点。
[18:50.28]This is my personal problem. (这是我个人的问题。)
[19:00.21]It's a matter of life and death. (这是生死攸关的大事。 )
[19:10.74]You're free to go or stay.(是去是留,随你。 )
[19:19.64]There's no turning back.(已经无可挽回了。)
[19:28.52]Let's play it by ear. (走一步看一步吧!(到时候再说吧!) )
[19:37.08]I'm sure I can do it. (我确信我能做好。)
[19:46.26]I'm still unable to decide what to do.(我仍然无法决定我该做什么。)
[19:59.17]I'll follow her.(我跟着她。 )
[20:05.40]Let's all get together and act as one.(我们拧成一股绳地去干。 )
[20:18.14]I have to do it anyhow.( 反正,也得干。 )
[20:26.94]It's now or never. (机不可失,时不再来。)
[20:36.29]The sooner, the better. (越早越好。)
[20:44.01]I'll take a chance. (碰碰运气看。)
[20:52.19]Have more guts4! (再拿出点勇气来。 )
[20:59.24]Let's finish it somehow. (我们总得想办法完成。)
[21:10.04]It's worth a try. (值得一试。 )
[21:17.04]We must function as one mind and one body.(我们必须同心同德。)
[21:31.07]You just wait. (你等着瞧吧。 )
[21:39.32]It's all or nothing. (豁出去了。 )
[21:46.96]THE END

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n.境况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况;命运;环境( circumstance的名词复数 );事件;境遇;机遇 | |
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v.打赌,以(与)...打赌;n.赌注,赌金;打赌 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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v.狼吞虎咽,贪婪地吃,飞碟游戏(比赛双方每组5人,相距15码,互相掷接飞碟);毁坏(建筑物等)的内部( gut的第三人称单数 );取出…的内脏n.勇气( gut的名词复数 );内脏;消化道的下段;肠 | |
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