1 man is determined1 to break the cycle and not end up back in prison
Daniel Duron changed his life by earning his bachelor's degree behind bars. His path will be more available next year, when people in federal and state prisons will once again qualify for Pell grants.
Every year, about half a million people are released from U.S. prisons. Within three years, most of them will end up back inside. NPR's Elissa Nadworny has been reporting on several men who hope to break that cycle by getting a college degree behind bars. It's an opportunity that will become more widely available next year when the federal government reopens Pell education grants to people incarcerated3 in federal and state prisons. For the next two days, we're going to hear from one of the students that Elissa came to know. She takes us to Claremont, Calif., for the first part of his story.
ELISSA NADWORNY, BYLINE5: Twenty minutes ago, Daniel Duron walked out of prison for the first time in 4 1/2 years.
DANIEL DURON: I'm an emotional dude, so it kind of was, like - it was kind of overwhelming.
NADWORNY: He's still kind of in shock. Freedom hasn't really set in for the 40-year-old.
DURON: I thought, like, any minute they're going to like, oh, never mind. Go back to the building.
DURON: And they were going to be like, never mind. You're not going home today.
NADWORNY: Waiting for him at the prison gates, not family or friends...
BOYLE: You know, you're a full-time6 student, and you want to kind of stay in that kind of mindset.
NADWORNY: ...But one of his college professors, Nigel Boyle.
DURON: You coming down and picking me up was, like, really inspiring for a lot of the guys there. They were like, that shows the commitment the school has to you guys.
BOYLE: Yeah. But, you know, OK, Pitzer's a small college. We do these kinds of things for our students. And you're our students now. So...
NADWORNY: They're in Boyle's beat up red minivan, headed to Pitzer's campus in Claremont, the liberal arts college where Daniel's been taking college classes for the past few years from prison.
DURON: It's my third...
BOYLE: Yeah.
DURON: ...Prison term, unfortunately.
BOYLE: So this is the third time you've been released.
DURON: Yeah.
BOYLE: So...
DURON: Unfortunately.
BOYLE: Does this feel different from the other two times?
DURON: Yeah. I mean, this whole experience I was in and my whole mindset, too - like, I'm not the same person that went in.
NADWORNY: That person that went in grew up in Fontana, Calif., about an hour from LA.
DURON: I guess crime was always present, like, from - I guess from birth, I guess. My home was like a gang hangout den4.
NADWORNY: Daniel says his grandfather and his father both spent time in prison. His mother struggled with addiction7. And his grandmother raised him. He recalls joining a gang when he was 12, a decision that made him feel safe, protected. He got a high school diploma, a first in his family, in a juvenile8 detention9 facility and spent much of his adulthood10 doing time in prison. His most recent offense11 was a domestic violence charge.
DURON: It's shameful12 to talk about the, like - I did that. I'm embarrassed by it. I didn't want to do it. I mean, I don't know. Just maybe my emotions condition at the time wasn't there. And I had issues to work through.
NADWORNY: When he looks back, he guesses he had the maturity13 of a 5-year-old. But then in that third stint14 in prison, a rare opportunity came along. He started taking college classes.
UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: All right, so group one, Ron, Daniel, Joseph - if y'all can come on down and...
NADWORNY: That's where producer Lauren Migaki and I first met Daniel - in the fall of 2020 over Zoom15 at the California Rehabilitation16 Center, a medium security prison.
UNIDENTIFIED STUDENT: Daniel's raising his hand.
DURON: I was going to say "Bambi" (ph) was interesting from the...
NADWORNY: Daniel is taking classes in philosophy, religion and writing from Pitzer College, working his way towards a degree in organizational studies.
UNIDENTIFIED PROFESSOR #2: ...From understanding patriarchy that we should make note of here?
DURON: Yeah, I got one.
UNIDENTIFIED PROFESSOR #2: Oh, yeah. Let's hear it.
DURON: So they were incalculating (ph) patriarchal values in their kids even before...
NADWORNY: There are very few colleges that offer degrees inside prisons, since the federal government has for the last quarter century banned federal money to help pay for it. Daniel's opportunity to pursue a bachelor's degree from prison was a rare one.
DURON: I still feel, like, unworthy of, like, all this opportunity. Like, what did I do? Why me? There's thousands of people literally17 in prison that are waiting for the same opportunity. And it's like - it's overwhelming. Like, I'm...
NADWORNY: But more and more colleges are starting to offer college programs in prisons. Next year, in 2023, that federal ban will lift, and people like Daniel will have access to federal Pell Grants to pay for college. College classes, Daniel says, helped him, for the first time, process his trauma18, his identity, his guilt19.
DURON: These Pitzer courses have been, like - they really gave me a lot more perspective of the world and how to see the world and how to view the world and feel about it.
BOYLE: That makes me happy to hear that.
DURON: I mean, I think the desire and want to be, like, a decent person was always there. I just never really had the tools or, like, the opportunity to do it.
NADWORNY: The plan was to complete the degree in prison. But an early release thanks to COVID and those college credits means Daniel still has classes to finish - on the outside.
BOYLE: So this is Pitzer. That's - the president's office is in that building there.
NADWORNY: And that is why Daniel Duron finds himself, on the day he was released from prison, riding in his professor's red minivan, pulling into Pitzer's campus.
BOYLE: But my plan was just to park here now and to just go on a little walking tour inside.
NADWORNY: Daniel climbs out of Nigel's van.
DURON: It's a lot bigger than I thought.
NADWORNY: It's the first time he's stepped foot on a college campus.
DURON: Do you think I could be able to meet the professors, too, that I took classes with, like Derik Smith and all the other ones?
BOYLE: Yeah, sure.
FADEL: Daniel's shed his blue prison uniform for a new navy Pitzer sweatshirt. And he wanders around the campus, where palm trees, a pool and playing fields wrap around the whitewashed20 academic buildings he's only ever seen on a screen.
DURON: I picture, like, students sitting around, playing guitars sometimes? Or no?
BOYLE: Yeah. See - that's more on the Mounds21.
NADWORNY: Pitzer College, through an anonymous22 donor23, has made finishing his degree on the outside possible with free tuition and housing on campus. But as Daniel looks around, his self-doubt creeps in. He's excited but uncomfortable. What do students wear, he asks Nigel? Am I smart enough to go here?
DURON: I don't even think I write well. I'm self-conscious about my writing, man.
BOYLE: I've graded your papers, and you do write well.
NADWORNY: It's not just the crisis of confidence. Daniel, like many other people leaving prison and entering society, has a lot of challenges ahead. He'll need to stay clean and out of trouble, navigate24 his reentry to the free world at the same time he navigates25 his senior year of college in person to show himself and his community the value of college in prison. Elissa Nadworny, NPR News, Claremont, Calif.

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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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n.抄本,誊本,副本,肄业证书 | |
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钳闭的 | |
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n.兽穴;秘密地方;安静的小房间,私室 | |
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n.署名;v.署名 | |
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adj.满工作日的或工作周的,全时间的 | |
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n.上瘾入迷,嗜好 | |
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n.青少年,少年读物;adj.青少年的,幼稚的 | |
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n.滞留,停留;拘留,扣留;(教育)留下 | |
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n.成年,成人期 | |
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n.犯规,违法行为;冒犯,得罪 | |
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adj.可耻的,不道德的 | |
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n.成熟;完成;(支票、债券等)到期 | |
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v.节省,限制,停止;n.舍不得化,节约,限制;连续不断的一段时间从事某件事 | |
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n.急速上升;v.突然扩大,急速上升 | |
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n.康复,悔过自新,修复,复兴,复职,复位 | |
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adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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n.外伤,精神创伤 | |
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n.犯罪;内疚;过失,罪责 | |
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粉饰,美化,掩饰( whitewash的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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土堆,土丘( mound的名词复数 ); 一大堆 | |
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adj.无名的;匿名的;无特色的 | |
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n.捐献者;赠送人;(组织、器官等的)供体 | |
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v.航行,飞行;导航,领航 | |
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v.给(船舶、飞机等)引航,导航( navigate的第三人称单数 );(从海上、空中等)横越;横渡;飞跃 | |
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