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  • 新西兰英语 297 World Refugee Day

    June 20th is World Refugee Day, a day to remember refugees world wide who have had to leave their homes and may never return. A refugee is a person who has had to escape from their country because they could be imprisoned or killed for their beliefs....

  • 新西兰英语 296 E-books

    E-books have been available overseas for a number of years but they are now available in New Zealand too. The introduction of e-books, electronic books, means New Zealanders will are able to download and read a book on their computer, an e-reader or...

  • 新西兰英语 295 World Cup Success for All Whites

    The New Zealand football team, the All Whites, has had a good result in their first World Cup game against Slovakia. The All Whites were not expected to do very well as they are only 78th in the world while Slovakia is 34th, but they scored a goal 30...

  • 新西兰英语 294 Maori and the Sea

    We have heard a lot of talk in the last six years about the foreshore and seabed. The foreshore is the beach up to the high tide mark. The seabed is the ocean as far as New Zealands limit, 200 miles out to sea. This is the part of the ocean which New...

  • 新西兰英语 293 Ministers’ credit cards

    Cabinet Ministers like the Minister for Foreign Affairs, or the Minister for Trade or the Minister for the Environment have to travel overseas as part of their job. They have a credit card to pay for expenses such as hotels, taxis and food. They are...

  • 新西兰英语 292 Official Cash Rate Rise

    The governor of the Reserve Bank, Alan Bollard, increased the official cash rate (OCR) from 2.5% to 2.75%. This is the first rise in three years. During the economic recession, Bollard reduced the OCR from 8.25% in July 2007 to 2.5% in April this yea...

  • 新西兰英语 291 Queen’s Birthday Honours

    Today, we learnt that one woman is now a Dame and six men are Sir. Many other people will receive medals for community work. The award is not given for their paid job but for the voluntary work they have done. For more about the Honour awards, listen...

  • 新西兰英语 290 A new New Zealand bank

    Three finance companies are planning to merge to become a bank. At the moment, there is no name for this bank. The three finance companies are the Canterbury Building Society, Southern Cross Building Society and Marac finance which is owned by Pyne G...

  • 新西兰英语 289 Samoan Language Week

    Talofa This week is Samoan Language Week. We need to remember that Samoan is the third most common language in New Zealand, after English and Maori. A large number of Samoan people live in New Zealand. We have a census every five years and the last c...

  • 新西兰英语 288 50 YEARS OF TELEVISION

    50 years ago this week, television was introduced to New Zealand. Then there was only one channel available, in black and white, and New Zealanders with tv sets had to pay the government an annual licence fee of £4. There have been many changes sin...

  • 新西兰英语 287 Dairy Farmers feel hopeful

    Fonterra said today that the 11,000 dairy farmers in their co-operative will receive an opening price of $6.60 a kg of milk solids for the 2010 / 2011 year. They will also get 30c to 50c for each share they have in the company. In fact, the price cou...

  • 新西兰英语 286 Duck Shooting

    From the first weekend in May until July, hunters in New Zealand are allowed to shoot ducks for sport. This is called the duck shooting season. Hunters have to get a licence and can kill only a limited number of ducks each day. There are only three t...

  • 新西兰英语 285 The drug P

    A customs officer found the drug P (methamphetamine) in a tourists luggage last week at Auckland airport. Other members of the tour party were searched and a total of 8kg of P was found. Seven tourists were arrested and are now in prison, waiting for...

  • 新西兰英语 284 The Budget

    Listen first to yesterdays podcast, What is the Budget? There were only a few surprises in todays Budget. One was about tax cuts. All workers, the rich and the poor, will pay less income tax. People earning less than $14,000 a year will pay 10.5% inc...

  • 新西兰英语 283 What is the Budget?

    Tomorrow afternoon, the Minister of Finance, Bill English, will read the Budget in Parliament. The Budget tells us how much money the government expects to have next year and how the government plans to spend it. The Prime Minister has already talked...
