Walter answers the door at his home. (S = stranger; W = Walter)
S: Hi!I'm from Russia. My name is Vodka. I want to marry your wife.
W: With a name like that, I'm not sure she'll want to marry you.
S: So, what kind of man does she like?
W: You need to be strong, handsome and have a good sense of humor.
S: No problem. I guess I qualify then.
W: You've got to be kidding! One look at you and my wife is bound to burst out laughing.
S: Where is she anyway? Can I meet her?
W: I'm afraid she might kick the bucket before me if she meets you. Goodbye!
S: What a jerk!
answer the door/the letter to answer for sth 对...(坏事)负责 Vodka 伏特加酒 acohol 含酒精的饮料
small potato 小人物 big potato 大人物
I'm not sure that 从句 很客气的拒绝
fatty chance = no way
what kind of man what kind of本身就是adj. man前不加a
good-looking 形容boy or girl beautifel 形容女孩 handsome
That handsome(good) salary comes along with that work. 待遇不错的工作
Usually the oldest child in a family has a strong sense of duty. 责任感 comliment 称赞
qualify for vi. He studies English in college, so he qualifies (for this job) as an editor.
be bound to do 注定
kick the bucket
what a jerk! = what a silly guy! jerk 傻子,呆子