托尼•布莱尔 (Tony Blair) 1953年5月6日生于英国北部的爱丁堡市一个中产阶级家庭。他毕业于牛津大学圣约翰学院法律系,1984年成为大律师,1994年被女王封为枢密院成员。布莱尔1975年加入英国工党。1997年5月任首相,成为自1812年以来英国最年轻的首相,后兼任首席财政大臣和文官部大臣。2001年6月在大选中再次获胜,连任首相,成为英国历史上首位连任的工党首相。布莱尔领导的工党在2005年5月5日的英国大选中再次获得胜利,布莱尔也成为工党历史上第一位三次蝉联首相职务的领导人。
Transcript of Prime Minister's broadcast on education - 17 November 2000 How well our children do at school is vital, of course, to the youngsters themselves and their families. A good start at school, a good education, makes a huge difference to ch...
TRANSCRIPT OF THE PRIME MINSTER'S FIRST AUDIO BROADCAST ON THE NUMBER 10 WEBSITE. 11 FEBRUARY 2000 Hello and welcome to what I am sure will be the first of many direct broadcasts from the Downing Street website. I'm sitting here at my desk in Downin...
TRANSCRIPT OF THE PRIME MINISTER'S BROADCAST ON ECONOMIC POLICY FRIDAY 30 JUNE 2000 In a few week's time, Gordon Brown will announce to Parliament and the country the Government's spending plans for the next three years. I can't, of course, reveal t...
TRANSCRIPT OF THE PRIME MINISTER'S BROADCAST ON 10 MARCH 2000 I make no apologies for returning to the subject of drugs so soon. As I said three weeks ago, the threat drugs pose to our children is something which terrifies all parents. Some of you m...
TRANSCRIPT OF THE PRIME MINISTER'S BROADCAST OF FRIDAY 18 FEBRUARY 2000 Being Prime Minister is a difficult job but nothing's more difficult than being a parent. And there are fewer bigger worries when you are a parent than drugs. No matter how hard...