Eddie is talking to Tom.
Eddie: Have you ever been really frightened?
Tom: I suppose so, once or twice.
Eddie: Can you remember when you were most frightened?
Tom: That isn't difficult.
Eddie: What happened?
Tom: Well, we used to have a favorite picnic place beside a lake. We had a boat there. I was there with some friends and I decided1 to swim to a little island. It didn't look far and I started swimming ... but half way across I realised it was a lot further than I thought. I was getting very tired. I shouted. Luckily my friends heard me and brought the boat. I thought I was going to drown. I've never been more frightened in my life.
Should school children take part-time jobs?
This is a discussion2 which will appear in a magazine.
Editor: This month our panel3 looks at part-time jobs. Are they good for school children or not?
Headmaster: Definitely4 not. The children have got two full-time5 jobs already: growing up and going to school. Part-time jobs make them so tired they fal1 asleep in class.
Mrs. Barnes: I agree. I know school hours are short, but there's homework as well. And children need a lot of sleep.
Mr. Barnes: Young children perhaps, but some boys stay at school until they're eighteen or nineteen. A part-time job can't harm them. In fact, it's good for them. They earn their pocket-money instead of asking their parents for it. And they see something of the world outside school.
Businessman: You're absolutely right. Boys learn a lot from a part-time job. And we mustn't forget that some families need the extra money. If the pupils didn't take part-time jobs they couldn't stay at school.
Editor: Well, we seem to be equally divided: two for, and two against. What do our readers think?
Philip Andrew is 16 and he is about to leave school. He comes to me for advice every week. He is looking for an interesting job and he would like good wages. One of his friends works6 in a supermarket. Another friend works in a factory. Philip thinks supermarket jobs are not well paid. And factory jobs are boring.
And finally, some news from the United States. David Thomas, the Californian pop singer, is sixteen today and he is giving a party for sixty guests. His young friends have bought him a Rolls-Royce, the most expensive one they could find. David is famous because he is the fastest driver and the youngest pop star in the state of California. He is flying to Paris tomorrow.
—What are you going to do after this lesson?
—I'm probably going to have a cup of tea. What about you?
—Oh, I'm going to the post office.
—I see.
—Can you come and see me at nine o'clock?
—I'm afraid not. You see, I'm meeting Mr. Green at nine.
—I hear you are playing at a concert tomorrow. How do you feel about it?
—Oh, I'm really worried about it.
—I'm not surprised. So would I be.
—What are your plans for tomorrow, Brenda?
—Well, first, I'm going to do the washing up.
—Poor you! While you're doing the washing up, I'll be having breakfast in bed.
—It's alright for some people.
—I'd like to withdraw7 fifty pounds from my deposit8 account.
—Certainly. Would you please sign this form?
—Oh, yes. There you are.
—How would you like the money?
—In fives, please.
—Fine. Here you are.
—Thanks. Goodbye.
—How are you, Brenda?
—Fine, apart from the backache.
—Oh, dear, I'm sorry to hear that.
—Yes. My back's killing9 me.
—Oh, I hope you'll soon feel better.
Man: Waitress! This meat is like old leather! It's enough to break every tooth in your head.
Waitress: Perhaps you'd like to change your order, sir. The sirloin is very tender10.
Woman: John, look what that waiter's gone and done! Spilt soup all over my new dress!
Waiter: I'm terribly sorry, madam. Perhaps if I could sponge11 it with a little warm water...
Man: Leave it alone, man. You'll only make it worse.
Woman: I want to speak to the Manager!
Waiter: Very good, madam.
Manager: I do apologize for this unfortunate accident, madam. If you would like to have the dress cleaned and send the bill to us, we will be happy to take care of it.
Woman: Oh no, it doesn't matter. Forget it. It probably won't stain12 very much.
Man: Waiter, this just won't do. This wine's got a most peculiar13 flavor14.
Waiter: Yes, sir. I'll take it back. Perhaps you would like to choose another wine instead, sir?
—Hello. Who's that?
—It's me.
—Who's me?
—Why, me, of course.
—Yes, I know. It's you. But who are you?
—I've told you who I am. I am ME.
—I know you are you, but I still don't know who you are. Anyway, I don't want to talk to you whoever you are. I really wanted Mrs. Jones.
—Who do you want?
—Mrs. Jones!
—Mrs. Jones? Who's Mrs. Jones?
—Why, Mrs. Jones lives where you are, doesn't she?
—There is no Mrs. Jones here. What number do you want?
—I want Bournemouth, 650283.
—This is Bournemouth, 650823.
—Oh, dear, I am sorry. I must have dialed the wrong number.
—It's quite alright.
—I'll try dialing again. Sorry to have troubled you.
—It's quite alright. Goodbye.
Two old men are talking about the days gone by. Listen.
—The beer's just like water. They don't make it as strong as they used to.
—No. Things aren't what they used to be, are they?
—The pubs15 aren't any good nowadays.
—No. But they used to be good when we were young.
—The trouble is that the young people don't work hard.
—No, but they used to work hard when we were young.
Ten years ago, I loved watching television and listening to pop records. I hated classical music. But I liked playing tennis. Five years ago I still liked playing tennis, but I loved classical music. Now I prefer classical music. I like playing squash16. But I hate television.
Mr. Davies is talking to his son Martin.
Mr. Davies: (quietly) Why aren't you doing your homework?
Martin: I'll do it later, Dad. I must get these chords17 right first. Our group's playing in a concert on Saturday.
Mr. Davies: (laughs) Oh, is it? You'll be making records next, will you?
Martin: We hope so. The man from 'Dream Discs18' is coming to the concert. So I'd better play well.
Mr. Davies: You'd better get on with your homework! You can practise all day Saturday.
Martin: Oh, Dad. You don't understand at all. This concert could change my life.
Mr. Davies: It certainly could! You've got exams next month. Important ones. If you don't get a good certificate19, you won't get a decent20 job.
Martin: (rudely) I don't need a certificate to play the guitar. And I don't want a boring old job in a bank either.
Mr. Davies: (angrily) Oh, don't you? Whose boring old job paid for this house? And for that guitar?
Martin: (sighs) Yours, I know. But I'd rather be happy than rich.
Letter Dictation. Write your address, your phone number and the date.
The letter is to Winnipeg Advanced Education College. Winnipeg, W-I-double N-I-P-E-G, Advanced Education College, Hillside Drive, Winnipeg.
Dear Sir or Madam. Please send me details of your courses in Computer Programming. New line. Thanking you in advance. Yours faithfully, and then sign your name.
(Your address)
(Your phone number)
Winnipeg Advanced Education College,
Hillside Drive,
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please send me details of your courses in computer Programming.
Thanking you in advance.
Yours faithfully,
Your name
Write your address, your phone number and the date. To Sea View Hotel. Sea View, S-E-A V-I-E-W Hotel, Harbor21 Road, Cork22, Ireland.
Dear Sir or Madam. I would like to book a double room with bath for two weeks from the first to the fourteenth of August inclusive23. New line. I look forward to receiving your confirmation24. Yours faithfully and then sign your name.
(Your address)
(Your phone number)
Sea View Hotel,
Harbor Road,
Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to book a double room with bath for two weeks from the 1st to the 14th of August inclusive.
I look forward to receiving your confirmation.
Yours faithfully,
Your name
—Do you think you could stop whistling? I'm trying to write an essay.
—Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were in the other room.
—Is it alright if I leave my rucksack on the back seat?
—Yes, of course. Go ahead.
—And would you mind if I took off my shoes? My feet are killing me.
—Well, I'd rather you didn't. It's a rather hot day.
—Hello, Charles, I haven't seen you all day. What have you been doing?
—Actually I've been working on my first novel.
—Oh, yes. How far have you got with it?
—Well, I thought of a good title, and I made a list of characters, and I've designed the front cover.
—Have you started writing it yet?
—Oh, yes. I've written two pages already.
—Only two?
—Well, yes. I haven't quite decided yet what happens next.
—I saw an accident yesterday.
—What were you doing at the time?
—I was queuing for the cinema.
—And what did you do when you saw the accident?
—I rushed forward to see if I could help.
—Hmm. You are a good squash player. How long have you been playing?
—I have been playing since the beginning of the last term. What about you?
—Me? Oh, I've been playing about two years now. But I'm still not very good.
—I've got a watch with a silver strap25.
—That's nothing. I've got one with a gold strap.
—I've got a watch that tells you the date.
—That's nothing. I've got one that tells you the date and the day.
Woman: Look at these glasses, this one's even got lipstick26 on it.
Waiter: I'm very sorry, madam. I'll bring you clean ones right away.
Man: Ah, Head Waiter, I want to have a word with you.
Head Waiter: Yes, sir. Is there something wrong, sir?
Man: Something wrong? I should think there is something wrong. My wife and I have been kept here waiting nearly an hour for our meal!
Head Waiter: I'm terribly sorry about that, sir. Our staff has been kept unusually busy this evening. I'll see to it personally myself. Now, if you wouldn't mind just telling me what you ordered.
Woman: This coffee is practically27 cold.
Waiter: I am sorry, madam. I'll bring you a fresh pot straight away.
This table shows the number of commuters into central London between 7:00 am and 10:00 am daily. The total number is 1,023,000. Of these, 405,000 travel by underground—that's 29% of the total, and 28% travel by British Rail—that's 391,000 people daily. 10% use both rail and underground, and 10%, 99,000 people, travel by bus. That means a total of 788,000 people, 77%, on public transport. The remainder28 use private transport. 197,000 come by car and the rest come either by motorbike or bicycle. This means 4% come by motorbike or bicycle, and 19% by car.Mrs. Nicholas went away for a fortnight. Before she went, she called in at the local police station and talked to the policeman on duty.
Mrs. Nicholas: I'm going away to the seaside for a few days and I'd like you to keep an eye on my home while I'm away.
Policeman: Certainly, Madam. What's your name and address?
Mrs. Nicholas: The name's Nicholas, and the address is 14 Spring Vale.
Policeman: Thank you. You'll lock all the doors, and make sure all the windows are shut, won't you?
Mrs. Nicholas: Of course.
Policeman: And you'll remember to cancel the milk.
Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, I've already done that.
Policeman: And the papers.
Mrs. Nicholas: Yes.
Policeman: And you won't leave any ladders about.
Mrs. Nicholas: No, we haven't got a big ladder.
Policeman: That's fine. Are you friendly with the people next door?
Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, we are.
Policeman: Well, I think you'd better tell them you're going away, too. Ask them to give us a ring if they see or hear anything suspicious29.
Mrs. Nicholas: Yes, I will. Thank you.
(There is a party in progress and one person A is standing30 by the drinks table serving drinks. B approaches and A offers her a drink.)
B: Aha, I thought you might be here.
A: Ah, hello. How are you?
B: Not bad. How are you?
A: All right, I suppose.
B: What are you drinking?
A: Some sort of wine. Do you want some?
B: No, I think I'd prefer beer. Have they got any?
A: Yes, there's some over there.
(B pours out a drink.)
B: Well, what do you think of the party?
A: It's not bad. I'm not really in the mood for a party, though.
B: Why's that?'
A: I don't know, really. I suppose I'm a bit tired.
(During the last exchange C has approached the table to get a drink. A offers C a drink but accidentally31 drops it.)
A: Oh, sorry about that.
C: (annoyed) I should think so!
A: Don't worry. It's not too bad.
C: What do you mean? It's gone all over my trousers—I only bought them last week.
A: There's no need to shout.
C: (loudly) I'm not shouting.
A: Yes, you are.
C: (very loudly) No, I'm not!
B: (wanting to calm the situation) Look, look, why don't you dry them with this?
C: (ignoring B) You should watch what you're doing!
A: What do you mean? It was your fault!
B: How about another drink? (C ignores B.)
C: Anyway, don't I know you?
B: Do you want another drink? (C ignores B.)
A: You might do.
C: You didn't go to St. Mark's School, did you?
A: Yes, I did actually.
C: Yes, I remember now. You were going out with that awful girl, weren't you?
A: What do you mean?
C: You know, the one with the big nose. What happened to her?
A: We got married, actually. In fact, that's her over there.
C: Yes ...
1. A woman went into a bar and asked for a glass of water. The barman pointed32 a gun at her. She thanked him and went out.
2. A man was found lying dead in the middle of a desert. He had a pack on his back.
3. A woman dialed the number on the telephone. Someone answered and said, "Hello." She put the phone down with a happy smile.
4. A man is found dead in the room. There is no furniture, and all the doors and windows are locked from the inside. There is a pool of water on the floor.
5. There is a man on the bed and a piece of wood on the floor. The second man comes into the room with sawdust on his hands, smiles and goes out again.
—Can I help you, sir?
—We want a meal.
—What sort of meal? A hot one or a cold one?
—A salad, I think.
—Which one, sir? A ham or a beef salad?
—What's this sort of salad in English?
—Which one are you looking at, sir?
—That one over there, next to the bread rolls.
—That's a beef salad, sir.
—Thank you. Is there any rye bread?
—No, I'm sorry. There are plenty of rolls.
—Excuse me, sir, where do you come from?
—We come from Copenhagen.
—You speak English very well.
—Thank you.
—What are you doing at the moment?
—We're visiting London.
—What do you both do?
—We are teachers.
—Do you like your salad?
—Yes. It's nice and fresh. Is yours good, too?
—No. Mine is rather tasteless.
—You need some salt and some olive33 oil.
—Allow me to fetch you a chair.
—Thank you, but I've just asked the waiter to get me one.
—Let me get you a drink, then.
—Thank you again, but look, John's bringing me one now.
—I don't seem to be very useful, do I?
—Don't say that. There's always another time, you know.
Man: Three gin and tonics34 please.
Waitress: I'm sorry, sir, but we're not allowed to serve drinks before twelve o'clock midday. Would you like me to bring you something else? Some coffee?
Man: Waiter, this table-cloth is a disgrace35. It's covered with soup stains36.
Waiter: Oh, I'm so sorry, sir. It should have been changed before. If you'll just wait one moment ...
Man: Waiter. I can't quite understand how you manage to get ten marks plus twelve marks plus sixty-five marks fifty pennies to add up to one hundred and seventy-seven marks fifty pennies.
Waiter: One moment, I'll just check it, sir. You're quite right, sir. I can't understand how such a mistake could have been made. I do apologize, sir.

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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.讨论,谈论;论述 | |
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n.面,板,专门小组,控制板,仪表盘 | |
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adv.一定地,肯定地;明确地,确切地 | |
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adj.满工作日的或工作周的,全时间的 | |
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n.作品,著作;工厂,活动部件,机件 | |
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vt.收回,撤消,撤退;vi.缩回,退出,撤退 | |
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n.定金,存款,矿藏;vt.使沉淀,寄存,储蓄 | |
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n.巨额利润;突然赚大钱,发大财 | |
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adj.嫩的,柔软的;脆弱的,纤细的;温柔的 | |
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n.海绵,海绵状的东西;v.用海绵擦拭,吸收掉, 抹掉 | |
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n.污染,污点,著色;v.沾染,染污,著色 | |
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adj.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 | |
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n.味,滋味,味道;风味;vt.调味,加味于 | |
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酒店,酒馆( pub的名词复数 ) | |
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n.壁球,摺皱不堪,拥挤嘈杂的人群,浓缩果汁,美国南瓜;vt.压扁,压制;vi.变扁,压榨 | |
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(数学)弦( chord的名词复数 ); (乐器)弦; (音乐)和弦; 心弦 | |
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n.圆盘( disc的名词复数 );唱片;磁盘;背脊骨间的软骨层 | |
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n.证书,证明书;vt.发给证明书,认可,鉴定 | |
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adj.象样的,不错的,体面的,正派的,恰当的 | |
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n.海港,港口;vt.庇护,藏匿;心怀(怨恨等) | |
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n.软木,软木塞 | |
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adj.(of)包括的,包含的;范围广的 | |
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n.证实,确认,批准 | |
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n.皮带,带子;v.用带扣住,束牢;用绷带包扎 | |
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n.口红,唇膏 | |
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adv.差不多;几乎;实际地,从实际角度 | |
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n.余下的部分,剩下的人数 | |
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adj.可疑的,容易引起怀疑的,猜疑的,疑心的 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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adv.偶然地;意外地 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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n.橄榄,橄榄树,橄榄色;adj.黄绿色的,黄褐色的,橄榄色的 | |
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n.滋补品( tonic的名词复数 );主音;奎宁水;浊音 | |
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n.耻辱,不光彩,丢脸的人(或事);vt.使丢脸 | |
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(使)染色( stain的第三人称单数 ); 褪色,变污; 玷污,败坏(名声) | |
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