If you take out a student loan to help pay for college, you're going to have to pay back the money you borrow plus the interest. And with college getting more expensive, more people are turning to loans to help pay for it. President Obama has a couple of plans that he thinks it will help students manage their student loan debt. He talked about them during a speech in Denver, Colorado yesterday. The first plan deals with how loan get repaid. Specifically, how much you pay and for how long. Congress already passed this, it's scheduled start in 2014, but the president wants it sooner. The other plan would let students who have multiple loans combine them in a one repaid program, that way they might be able to get a break on the loan's interest rates. Something to keep in mind, we're only talking about government loans, a lot of students have got loans from private companies and those students wouldn't benefit from this. Also this covers new loans. If you've already borrowed money, nothing will change. And if you're behind on your loan repayments1, you won't be able to be part of this program.The bad news, college costs thousands of dollars a year. The good news, many students get scholarship or grants to help pay for it. We're asking about this hour on our blog today. If you're planning to go to college, how you plan to cover the cost? Will you work your way through, get a student a loan, or is your family saving up. Tell us, at cnnstudentnews.com.

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偿还,报答,偿付的钱物( repayment的名词复数 ) | |
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n.骨髓;精华;活力 | |
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