Digna, I wanna ask you something into the president said in the interview that aired this morning on CBS, I wanna play that part of views.
First of all, we've done a whole slew1 of positive ads that talk exactly about how we need to change our education system, how we need to change our tax code, how we need to rebuild the American, how we need to promote American energy, those just don't get attention on the news.
The consultant2 who track ads spending for us tell us the last week your campaign aired negative spots more than 19,000 times and positive spots fewer than 150 times, that's less than 1% positive ads, can that really be considered as slew?
Well, Anderson, you gotta go back to when we began our media campaign, we began our media campaign in May, the whole month of May, we ran nothing but positive ads, right now we are running ads, some of which are comparative, I don't know how the tracker, how the tracker characterizes them, assume comparative on they were respective records on taxing, and some are on elements of Governor Romney's record, but we've been, we've been very grateful, we spent tens and tens million fifty million dollars or more on positive ads, in contrast, you look at the other side, and 90% of their media dollars from the very begining have been spent on negative ads, the whole premise3 of the Romney campaign isn't negative premise.
3/4 of the ads from the begining have been negative or characterized negative. Of their campaign? No, of your campaign. Of their campaign or. Well, that's we can have that discussion we can go over that, but I want to invite you to go out, and you guys rant4 some of the president's speech today, the president's campaigning all over this country, talking about how we rebuild the middle class in this country, how we rebuild the economy about education and revitalize American manufacturing, and all the things we need to build our economy and the way it gives people a chance.
But the tone of this debatist Cander criticizes Jane Sucky, Obama campaign's spokeswoman said over th weekend that the president wants a high brown debate about what the American people actually care about, the same day your campaign released a brutal5 spot featuring Mitt6 Romney singing American, the beautiful orch. Does that qualify as high brown or something the American people really care about? I think what they do care about, Anderson, is are you going to have a tax code that encourages outsourcing? that's what governor Romney supports, yet he has a history in this scenario7, or we are gonna support insourcing and in those tax breaks-in, and reward folks for creating job for the American, that's what the president's sports. Are we gonna spend a houndred billion dollars years on offshore8, attack shelters of this word that governor Romney is build himself up. or are we going to use that money for better purposes, these are the disscusions we are gonna have moving forward and the prespective you bring too, it is important. Is this just a coincidence though that these spent taxes really came about after some very bad job numbers came out abou 2 weeks ago. Anderson, I actually think you may have even talked about on your show, we've raised issues about Bennett, let me tell you long before these last couple of weeks, and let me tell you why the only credenial the governor Romney is offering is his business experience, (he) never talks about the fact he is governor Massechusettes and with some good reason, because that record wasn't exactly a glittery recrod of job, so he talks about the fact he is a business man and he has great insights into the economy as a result, and so of course we are gonna look at what that business experience is, we began that, taking a look at that, as soon as he became the nominee9, this isn't something new, it's part of the discussion, he entered into the discussion, and now are engaging at this discussion, he saysVincent, don't talk about my business experience, so he can talk about his business experience, but he doesn't want us to talk about his business experience. Your campaign even said Romney may be guilty, be felony, he is demanded a apology for that, I know you made it clear there is no apology coming, at this point though, is there enough evidence out there truly make that claim? And no one really made that claim, what's Daphne Carter said was that if in fact you file paper as he did back in 1999 through 2002, saying you are the chairman, chief excutive, president and soul share holder10 of a company, but now you are arguing you had nothing to do with the activities of that company, that raises questions about that filing or raises questions about what you are saying now as I said yesterday to Candy Crony, I'm one of them that get the benifit that I doubt, I think it's misleading people now, but either way is not a recommendation to make a guy president of the United States.
David, I appreciate your time, thank you. Ok, good to be with you.

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v.(使)旋转;n.大量,许多 | |
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n.顾问;会诊医师,专科医生 | |
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n.前提;v.提论,预述 | |
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v.咆哮;怒吼;n.大话;粗野的话 | |
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adj.残忍的,野蛮的,不讲理的 | |
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n.棒球手套,拳击手套,无指手套;vt.铐住,握手 | |
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n.剧本,脚本;概要 | |
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adj.海面的,吹向海面的;adv.向海面 | |
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n.被提名者;被任命者;被推荐者 | |
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n.持有者,占有者;(台,架等)支持物 | |
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