Hi, I'm Anderson Cooper, welcome to the 360 podcast. New revolutions in New Jersey1, bridge traffic scandal, also a neural2 scientist get the shock of his life when brain scan showed that he is the brain of psychopath. Let's get started.
Here begin. Bridge traffic scandal and the breaking news about the political motive3 for the whole mess. There's a new stack of documents out that suggests some of the players knew they were inflicting4 pain and took step to shield themselves from any blowback. The documents come from the state assembly committee that's investigating this affair more than 2000 pages of emails, letters and in other correspondance, it's a lot to go through. No smoking gun right now, perhaps, but clear indications at this point that Chris Christine's top appointee to the agency as well as another Christie appointee were aware that closing several lanes of traffic leading to the George Washington bridge could cause political fallout. They also reveal that state officals remained aware that the traffic was potentially affecting public safety. Again though, no smoking gun like the one that touched off the scandal in the first place. Christie aide Bridge and Kelly's email to Christie appointee David Willstein saying time for some traffic problems at Ford5 Lee. His reply got it. Willstein is gone from his job taking the xx when asking about the affair, Governor Christie fired Kelly yesterday as you know, she may soon be called to give testimony6, and that could be interesting, of course.
A source telling CNN's xxx " It's widely held in Trenton that this, meaning the traffic mess, wasn't her order." So the question is whose order was it?
More now on Kelly the scandal and the documents have to say from Joe Johns who's been carefully weighing through them. Joe.
Anderson, there's a question already about whether there was an attempted conceal7 what was going on from public discussion. An email exchanges dated September 13th, Patrick Foxx who is a top port authority offcial essentially8 terminated the lane closures. He said he's gonna get to the bottom of whatever happen. Bill Baroni, a Christine appointed port authority offical who resigned in December over the controversy9 replied to the email saying he was on his way to the office to discuss and there could be no public discourse10 on the controversy. In response Foxx wrote Bill that's precisely11 the problem. There's been no public discourse on this. Now this papertrail also shows at least one other member of Governor Christie's senior staff who hasn't been named publicly was forwarded an email detailing the extend of the problems on the bridge. However, we don't know whether that staff actually read that document, really know indication she was involved in any political retribution, Anderson.
This appears to be, go ahead, Joe.
No,no, the other thing I just want to mention is, you know, the mayor queston is a huge question, Anderson. I know a lot of people have been interested in that, the mayor of Fort Lee, telling people he was being blamed for the problem with the bridge, and he wrote that the port authority police were blaming him.
So, I mean, it does appear to be a political vendetta12 against the mayor Fort Lee, the democrat13 who endorse14 Christie's opponent in last year's xxx election. You've actually found an interesting document related to the mayor talking about who was being blamed for the traffic nightmare.
Yeah, well, this was actually a letter that was written by the mayor. And he wrote it to the top port authority offical Bill Baroni that I talked about earlier who's already resighed. The mayor was sort of drawing the conclusion on his own that this has been done to make him look bad. He said there were punitive15 overtones associated with it. So the mayor obviously had some real concerns about that, Anderson.

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n.运动衫 | |
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adj.神经的,神经系统的 | |
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n.动机,目的;adv.发动的,运动的 | |
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把…强加给,使承受,遭受( inflict的现在分词 ) | |
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n.浅滩,水浅可涉处;v.涉水,涉过 | |
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n.证词;见证,证明 | |
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v.隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽 | |
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adv.本质上,实质上,基本上 | |
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n.争论,辩论,争吵 | |
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n.论文,演说;谈话;话语;vi.讲述,著述 | |
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adv.恰好,正好,精确地,细致地 | |
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n.世仇,宿怨 | |
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n.民主主义者,民主人士;民主党党员 | |
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vt.(支票、汇票等)背书,背署;批注;同意 | |
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adj.惩罚的,刑罚的 | |
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