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  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-16

    I'm Anderson Cooper, welcome to 360 podcast. The bridge scandal on how Chris Christie's personal style may affect in to the story. Let's get started. The report moments ago class action lawsuit has now been filed against governor Chris Christie, form...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-15

    Fridays are awesome. My name is Carl Azuz. It\'s my pleasure to welcome you to CNN Student News. Our first story on the last day of the week concerns Syria. For almost 3 years now, Syria has been torn apart by civil war. It involves government forces...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-14


  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-13

    Welcome to your Janurary Ninth edition of CNN Students News, I'm Carl Azuz. In less than a month, the 22nd Winter Olympic Games were taken off in Sochi, Russia. Opening ceremony is Friday, February 7th. Here's the by the numbers look at what's ahead:...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-12


  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-11

    Hey, everyone. I\'m Carl Azuz and this is CNN Student News. Our first story today centers on the Middle Eastern country of Iraq. There\'s been an increase in violence there. One reason, terrorist. The Islamic state of Iraq and Syrian known as ISIS ha...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-10

    Hi, welcome to CNN Student News. I'm Carl Azuz, and I'm bundled up. Much of the US feeling the effects of Polar Vortex which sounds cool to say it means something much cooler. We are focusing a lot today show on the cold. How cold is it? Well, in Chi...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-09


  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-08

    Happy New Year! Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS and our first show of 2014. My name is Carl Azuz. Were starting off this January 6 program with a Bang! millions of them. Cities worldwide lit up their landmarks as the clocks struck midnight, January 1. On...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-07

    I'm Asheley Benxx, in for Anderson Cooper. Welcome to the 360 podcast. Temperatures plunge and the debate heats up over physical fitness requirements for female marines. Let's get started. Take a look outside, the 360 world headquarter's high above C...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-06

    All the icy ordeal is one major step close to being over for passengers who were trapped on a ship off Antarctica for ten days. All the passengers aboard that Russian stranded ship have been rescured by helicopter. They are now on an Australia ice br...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-05

    I'm John Berman, in for Anderson Cooper. Welcome to the 360 podcast. Colorado's experiment in legalizing pot. How was working so far? Also, from Antarctica, the rescue on ice. Let's get started. It's been a couple of days of legal recreational pot se...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-04

    Hi, I'm Anderson Cooper, welcome to the podcast. Two bombings rescue questions about security the out coming Winter Olympics, also the New York Times David Pxx in his extensive investigation to Bengazi. Let's get started. We begin tonight with terror...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-03

    Hi, I'm Bill Weir in for Anderson Cooper, welcome to the 360 podcast. It is judge versus judge on the NASA's phone spying program, big news scare for target customers and big win for Duck Dynasty. Let's get started. Today, a New York Federal Court Ju...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-01-02

    I'm Bill Wier in for Edison Cooper and welcome to the 360 podcast.Why UPS was as so well and came to on time Christmas deliveries also who Herry Clinton beats in presidential pooling and one Republican she doesn't.Plus Edison was a big skandles of li...
