Watch the three habits: four, five and six.
First, think win win. Say to the person something like this, "Why don't we agree to communicate until we can find a solution we both feel good about? Would you be willing to do that?" In almost all cases, people will say yes to you.
Now watch habit five. Let me listen to you first. Most people do the very opposite. They want to first be understood. And when both parties want to be understood 1)simultaneously, that's called the 2)collective 3)monologue, the dialogue of the deaf. They're not really listening, they're either speaking or preparing their speech. So the fifth habit is communicate, first by listening, then expressing.
Now what's habit six? That's where you're very creative and you think through new and better ways, new and better solutions. For instance, let's say that I want to go on a vacation out into the lake country, and you want to go on a vacation closer to your 4)ailing1 mother. It's important to you. The other is important to me. I've looked forward to it. I'm a fisherman at heart. The boys are excited about it. But your mother is ailing and you don't have an opportunity to see her very much. And that's important to you.
Now, if I'm deep into 5)authoritarianism, I might say, "I don't really care what you think that much, when I want your opinion I'll give it to you. We're going fishing. Or I'll 6)beat it out of you." Or if I'm into 6)martyrdom, I might say, "Well, have your way with me." It's the way it always is. I always lose. In the former case I'm into win-lose. In the latter I'm into lose-win.
Or we could apply habits four, five and six. Assuming we have an abundant mentality2 and enough internal security to carry on this communication, and say, "Let's agree to communicate until we can find a solution we both feel good about, would you be willing?" "Alright, let's do it." "Let me listen to you first. I understand that visiting with your mother is so important because you haven't seen her for this, and here's your situation and you can 7)relieve your sister who've been taking care of her." And you keep expressing until the other person feels deeply understood. "But you know what we've been doing with these boys? And how much time and effort we've been giving to their lessons, and they want to get into this 8)fly-fishing, and it's just the perfect situation?"
And then I am understood. I am 9)empathized to. And the spirit of mutual3 understanding creates such an affirmation, such a respect for each other. We're not going to go for lose-win, or win-lose, nor are we going to 10)compromise. We create new 11)options, new 12)alternatives in our minds. We find a lake near the mother. Maybe it's not as good as the lake we had prepared, but I feel much better about it, because I respect my wife. And I love her, and I love her mother, and want to attend to that important need in a way that would also meet my boys' need to have an expression of their fishing opportunity. It's a win-win solution.
Is it compromise? No. It's a better solution.
Some might say it's compromise, you really wanted to go to this lake. You're compromising. Not so. I really don't. Because I care about my wife and I care about her mother. Neither is it a compromise to her. She doesn't want to see those boys just climbing walls while she tends to her mother, takes care of her, has some good family visits. She likes to see those boys involved in doing the thing they'd been preparing to do. So they go for a win-win solution.
Now this little story could be 13)amplified in any 14)conceivable situation, my friends. Seriously, I am convinced that almost without an exception, if people practice four, five and six, they can take almost any difference, and produce a third alternative better than either of the other two.
1) simultaneously adv. 同时地
2) collective a. 集体的
3) monologue n. 独白
4) ailing a. 生病的,情况不佳的
5) authoritarianism n. 权力主义,独裁主义
6) martyrdom n. 牺牲,殉难
7) relieve v. 减轻,换班
8) fly-fishing n. 用假蝇钓鱼
9) empathize v. 神入,移情
10) compromise n. 妥协
11) option n. 选择
12) alternative n. 二中择一的选择
13) amplify v. 放大
14) conceivable a. 想得到的

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v.生病 | |
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n.心理,思想,脑力 | |
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adj.相互的,彼此的;共同的,共有的 | |
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