Household Chores 家务琐事
A: Kevin, what is this mess? It looks like a pigsty1 in here! Clean this up! 凯文,这里怎么这么乱?看起来像个猪圈!整理一下!
B: Ok dad, I will do it in a minute, let me just finish this level of this game. 好的,爸爸,我待会就做,让我先把这一级的游戏打完吧。
A: No, I said now! Plus, you are grounded, you're not allowed to play video games. I want you to make your bed, do the laundry and then come downstairs and sweep the floors. 不行,我是说先自爱!并且,你被禁足了。我希望你能把床收拾好,把衣服洗好,然后下楼清洁地面。
B: That's so unfair! 这不公平!
A: You have to pull your weight around here young man. My house, my rules. 年轻人,你在这里应该尽心尽力,好好地对待我的房子,还有我的规矩。
B: But I already mopped the floors, dusted the furniture and vacuumed the rugs! 但是我已经拖地,擦掉家具上的灰尘,并且用吸尘器清理了地毯上的脏东西了。
A: That's great, but you still have work to do, so get to it. 很好,但是你还是有东西要做,所以赶紧做吧。
1. What is this mess? 怎么乱成这样了?
Don't mess up my clean floor. 别把我的干净地板弄脏了。
They told us not to mess up the room. 他们告诉我们不要把房间弄脏。
John and his brother is so much alike that I jumble them up. 约翰和他弟弟如此之相像,以至于我把他们混淆起来了。
2. You are grounded. 你被禁足了。
在标榜最自由最人性号称“孩子天堂”的美国,父母会给不听话的孩子说you are grounded,然后就看见小孩子一蹦三尺高地抗议最后却只好呆在家里哪儿也不能去了,还不能看电视打游戏。“禁足”一词在美国可谓家喻户晓。
3. pull weight 尽力,竭尽所能
Good. I expect you to pullweight. 好的,我期望你能竭尽所能。
Either you pullweight or we replace you. 要么你尽心尽力,否则我们就把你替换掉。

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n.猪圈,脏房间 | |
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vt.使混乱,混杂;n.混乱;杂乱的一堆 | |
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adj.混乱的;杂乱的 | |
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