Thank you so much. I think you are in a good mood.'cause it's friday,right? Yep.
谢谢大家 大家心情都这么好 是因为今天是周五 对不对 就是这个
Not only that, but the world's most beautiful woman is here.
不仅仅是这个 世界上最漂亮的女性也在这里
Not only that,but Gwyeth Paltrow is also here.Peoplie magazine just announced the...
还有 Gwyneth Paltrow也在这里 《人物》杂志最近评出了
The world's most beautiful woman,and it is Gwyneth Paltrow ,right here.
世界上最美丽的女性 那就是Gwyneth Paltrow 看看这里
Isn't that great?she's very beautiful.
多棒啊 非常漂亮
she's very beautiful,it's a big honor,and I'm glad that they picked Gwyneth
她很漂亮 这也是个很大的荣誉 我也非常开心他们选了Gwyneth
'cause she's someone who's beautiful on the inside and the outside.
真的没骗你 她的胆囊 是我见过的最好看的
I know we are that...we are very close,so...I've seen her gallbladder.
我们两非常熟 所以我才知道这个 我见过她的胆囊
you know,but i really do feel that sometimes society does focus too much on outer beauty,
要知道 有时我真心觉得 这个社会太过于注重外在美了
and I think that's not everything,and I think it's nice to celebrate people,
我就认为外在美并不代表一切 欣赏赞扬一个人固然是好
but it's not the most important thing in the world.
And I mean, you think about those sayings,"beauty is only skin-deep",
我的意思是 想想那些谚语们 外表的美丽只是浅薄的
and "beauty is in the eye of the beholder2", and the...oh,look,there's Portia de Rossi,she's beautiful.
情人眼里出西施 还有 哦 看 portia de rossi也在这儿 她可真漂亮
Look at that.She's so pretty.
快来看看 她太漂亮了
Anyway,what was I saying ,this is a great magazine,because...I mean, Portia is beautiful and on the inside too,blablabla...but look at that, the cheekbones and the...
回到原来的滑梯 我想说的是 这本杂志非常的好看 因为 因为portia不仅外表美丽动人 还兼具内在美 等等等等 但是你们都看看啊 看那颧骨还有
I mean,the bones structure,and that's on the insides,
我指的是她的骨骼构造 也是内在的嘛
so that's...you know ,the most important thing.Anyway,if Portia is in here.
所以 恩 这才是最重要的 既然portia都在这里了
I'm imagining I'm too. so I'm just gonna...I hadn't seen it until just now,so I'm sure I'm...
我想我也会在里面吧 那么 我刚刚才拿到这本杂志 不过我很肯定
I'm somewhere in the...but we have a big show,so I didn't have time...to go through it right now
就在某一页 不过我们现在还要录节目 所以没有时间去一页一页的翻看着
but I really do think that beauty is defined by a lot of different things.
但我真的觉得美丽是从很多 不同的方面来诠释的
I think it's defined by kindness,and compassion3, and generousity.
比如善良 富有同情心 还有慷慨
and so to all the beautiful people out there,I dedicate this dance to you.
那么 接下来这支舞 献给全天下最美丽的你们

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adj.极好的;使人晕倒的 | |
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n.观看者,旁观者 | |
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n.同情,怜悯 | |
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