So you're dating, I assume you are dating,I don't know if you're in a relationship,
所以你在约会 我猜你在约会 我不知道你是不是在恋爱
but there's gotta be a difference between English guys and American guys,right?
但是肯定是有区别的 英国男星和美国男性之间 对吧
Umm,yeah,there's definitely one or two differences that i've noticed.
恩 对 我肯定 有注意到一些差别
Umm,English guys are like very well put together,and they dress really well, and they are like,very well mannered.
英国男性外表潇洒 穿着研究 而且彬彬有礼
Umm,but they're also very restrained.
Like usually,you know,in the whole couring situation,
I'm used to being like,first of all,ignored for like the first two months of the ritual,and then maybe they'll acknowledge1 my pressence,
我习惯就是 通常来说 前两个月他们无视我 之后或许他们意识到我的存在
and they'll probally be a littel mean to me,and then maybe, we'll...you know whatever.
然后他们可能会对我有点刻薄 之后我们就会怎么怎么之类的
and I arrive in America,and I remember like,a few nights in to Brown,
我来到美国后 我记得才去brown那几次
this guy's just being like,I like you, you're great,let's go on a date,let's do it.
就有个人对我说 我喜欢你 你很不错 我们约会吧 来吧
And I'm like,I'm sorry, what just happened?
我就在想 抱歉 这到底怎么回事
Yeah,umm, this is like,you know.
确实 对我来说
A huge culture shock for me,is that,you know,they're like very open and very straight forward.
很大的文化差异 他们很开放 很直接
But they wear flip-flops, I don't know if i like that.
但是他们都穿人字拖 这个我不太喜欢
Yeah,it's a balance,you gotta...you gotta figure it out. It's hard.
对 需要权衡 你得好好想想 很难选择
All right,well, I really think you're just fantastic,
好的 我觉得你很棒
so come back anytime you want.
You're really just something else. Amazing.
你真的很出色 太棒了
Oh,thank you, I'll be here all the time.
谢谢 我会常来的
When I'm having a bad day,my friend Sophie will send me the David Beckham scare that you did,
当我心情不好时 我的朋友就会发给我你们做的david beckham的整人视频
the no-thumbs,and it just makes my day better,so..
不要用拇指按啊什么的 我就会开心多了 所以
so I ...yeah. it's one of my favorite things also that we've even done.
所以我 这也是我们做过的东西里面 最喜欢的
It's David Beckham.
是david beckham
We did the thing,it's on the website,we put the thing in david beckham's ear,I told him what to say. you have to chec it out.
我们做了个视频 网络上有 我们把耳机塞到david beckham的耳朵里 然后 我告诉他该说什么 你们一定要看
You have to check it out.It's ...it was funny. umm,all right,
你们一定要看看 很有趣 恩 对了
it's a beautiful movie,and the Wallflowers will be here
是部很棒的电影 而且男主角会在
after this performing. Emma Waston.
表演结束后登台 嘉宾emma waston

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