So when I...before it was really official that i was coming out,it was a rumor1 that I was coming out on my show,on my sitcom2.
在我 在我正式出柜以前 谣言四起 说我将在我的脱口秀和情景喜剧中出柜
and it was all over the place,and it was a big hugo,you know,topic.People were against it.People were for it.I was just, I never had that much media attention.That was really scary for me.
到处都是 对这个热门话题议论纷纷 有人反对 也有人支持 媒体从没有那样关注过我 我觉得真的很可怕
And Madonna called me out of the blue.We had never met.I just all of sudden get a call.
出乎意外的是 麦当娜给我打了通电话 我们素未谋面 我就忽然接到了电话
Saying,"it's Madonna,and I just wanna say that,I'm behind you.I'm with you,I support you."
说我是麦当娜 我只想说 我支持你 我挺你到底
and you said some really amazing things that I won't share,because they were very personal.
你说了一些真的很了不起的事情 我不会在这里说的 因为这是非常私人的事
but about like holding on to this right and this right has been...
但里面有说到坚守这项权利 并且这项权利已经
and things really do come to you,and you,one thing you said to me is things come to you when you let go,
现在这些事情确实来到你眼前 你会想 你告诉我说 当事情来找你麻烦时 你放手
and you don't care and need the valuation any more.Because before you come out.yeah,yeah.
并且不再理会 不再需要它们的价值 因为在你出柜前 嗯哼 嗯哼
when you're closeted,you really need people to love you.And you're so scared if you come out,
当你躲在柜子里的时候 你是非常需要有人来爱你的 你非常害怕如果你出柜了
no one will love you any more,and this business is all about people loving you,and it was hard at the time to hear that,
就没有一个人会再爱你了 这个行业完全是靠观众的喜爱吃饭的 所以在那时候是很难接受的
because I thought I want people to love me,but you also sent me the most beautiful thing.
因为我想让观众爱我 但你也给我寄来了最美的东西
I'm just gonna read part of it here because it's so amazing.
在这里我就读一小部分 因为太激励人心了
but this is a quote from Martha Graham,and you sent me this.
这是摘自于Martha Graham 你寄给我的是这段
there's a vitality,a life force,an energy,a quickening3 that is translated through you into action,
活力 生命力 能量以及复生 通过你转化为行动
and because there is only one of you in all time.this expression is unique,and if you block it,
因为永恒的时空中 这种表现也会是独一无二的 而且如果你阻拦了它
it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost,the world will not have it,
它将不会通过任何媒介存在而消失 世界将不会拥有它
it is not your business to determine how good it is,nor how valuable,nor how it compares with other expressions,and it goes on,but it's a beautiful thing,and it meant the world to me
你不必去决定它的好坏 它的价值 或者拿它同别的表现做对比 下面还有很多 确实是太美好了 它对于我来说非常非常重要

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n.谣言,谣传,传说 | |
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n.情景喜剧,(广播、电视的)系列幽默剧 | |
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复生; 活泼; 兴奋; 胎动初觉 | |
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