So you are gonna give me clues.All of you at once. 所以你们给我提供线索 你们一起
And I'm gonna try to guess.And if I get ten right. 我来试着猜 如果我猜对十次
If I can guess them ten right.You are gonna win a prize. 如果我猜对十次 你们会有奖励
Okay...Alright. So the animal is the categories. 好的 我们要说的动物是关于主题
Wow... The category is animals.And so you can act it out. 哇哦 我们要说的主题是关于动物 所以你们可以模仿
Or you can give me words to describe the animal. 或者描述动物
Just don't say the animal.I am gonna just try to guess the animal. 别说出答案就行 我来猜动物
Okay?Ready?You could stand up.Yeah, stand up.Elephant. Elephant.Coyote. Wolf.Coyote. Dog.Owl1. A parrot. A parrot 好吗 准备好了吗 你们可以站起来 对 站起来 大象 大象 丛林狼 狼 丛林狼 狗 猫头鹰 鹦鹉 鹦鹉
An owl.Monkey.A fish. A fish.Swimming.A turtle. A turtle.A dog. A dog.Giraffe.Ostrich2.Flamingo3.Time's up. 猫头鹰 猴子 鱼 鱼 会游泳 海龟 海龟 狗 狗 长颈鹿 鸵鸟 火烈鸟 时间到了
Oh, you tried so hard.How many did we get? 你们那么努力 我们猜对了多少个
She got flamingo. - She got flamingo.I got uh. I got flamingo. 她火烈鸟猜对了 -她火烈鸟猜对了 我 额 我是猜对火烈鸟的
Alright. So, I'm just gonna Yeah it's six.That was so close.Oh well. 好吧 我刚打算 好吧六个 就差一点了 好吧
I feel you should get something.Right? Still. 我觉得还是得奖励你们些什么 是吧 还是该给
What. What would be fun.You know it will be fun If you all came back for one of my 12 Days of Giveaways. 什么 什么会有趣点 知道什么有趣吗 在我放送赠品的十二天里在座所有人可以任意一天参加

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n.猫头鹰,枭 | |
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n.鸵鸟 | |
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n.红鹳,火烈鸟 | |
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