And here you are, in the cover of Allure1 Magazine. 这是你为"诱惑"杂志拍的封面
And inside the Allure Magazine, look how pretty. 看看杂志的内页 看看你多美
And this picture with you and Chris McMillan. 这是你和克里斯·麦克米兰的照片
Now he is a..Chris is her hair dresser who you've known for ages, right? 他现在是 他现在是你的发型师 你们相识也有很多年了吧
I mean like ages. - Ages.So you are topless hugging him. 认识很多年了 -是的 很多年了 你光着上身抱着他
but a lot of people are going over you topless hugging Chris. 但有很多人说 你竟然光着上身抱克里斯
Yeah. - I don’t know why.You know what, I think Justin got a lot that too. 恩 -我不知道为什么 贾斯汀也常被这样问
He was like,Hey dude, what's up, why is she hugging a dude naked? 他经常被问 老兄 怎么搞的 为什么她抱着个裸男
He’s like a brother to me, so it‘s not 他跟我就像兄弟一样
The original photograph was suppose to be What? 所以 原版的照片本来是 啥
That's make it weird I think. 我觉得你这么说 这事就变奇怪了
You just, you just made it worse Ok, I don‘t know how to get out of it. 是的没错 你的确越描越黑了 好吧 我现在不知道怎么解释了
I don’t know how to get out of it. 不解释了

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n.诱惑力,魅力;vt.诱惑,引诱,吸引 | |
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adj.古怪的,离奇的;怪诞的,神秘而可怕的 | |
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