Have a seat Right back at you,Right back at each every one of you 坐吧 全数返还 掌声全数返还给现场的每位
Thank for that noise,I appreciate you all being here.Yesterday was a big day wasn't it? 谢谢各位的掌声与尖叫 很感谢你们的到来 昨天很特殊对不对
All of the country people turn out and recognise numbers to do one thing that is to my Portia's new book 全国的人民 都走出了家门 做了同一件事情 那就是买Portia的新书
Unbearable1 Lightness.The book came out yesterday.It's doing very very well 生命不能承受之轻 这本书昨天出炉 卖得很好
But enough about Portia,Let's talk about PEOPLE magazine.Portia was on the cover of PEOPLE magazinePortia 不要提Portia了 我们来谈谈《人物》周刊 可是登上了封面哦
It comes out to stand today.On new stand today.So to be out for a week 今天发售 今天新鲜出炉 一旦买了这周的杂志
Then that will be in dano's office forever ever and ever 这书就永久性的呆在你的办公室了 永远
If you have not read Portia's book,It is really it's an amazing book 如果你还没读过Portia的书 这是本很好的书
If you could only buy one book this year,Buy Portia's 如果你今年只能买一本书的话 那就买Portia的
And if you would only buy two books Then buy two copies of Portia's.Right that's right 如果你今年只能买两本书的话 那就买两本Portia的书 没错 就是这样
I can't think of any other book will be taken read And more great news 我想不出来还有什么书值得大家来读了 还有更好的消息
Tomorrow Portia will be here to talk about being on the show with me 明天 Portia会光临现场来谈 就跟我一起在节目里
Talking about,yes that's right You are exciting,She will be here talking about the book 谈…很好 大家都好兴奋 她会光临现场来谈书的事情

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adj.不能容忍的;忍受不住的 | |
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adj.动人的,使人感伤的 | |
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