Listen, I shouldn't judge cause i think it would be hard to learn a new language entirely1 听着 我没有资格评判 因为我觉得学习一门新的语言是很难的
So I couldn't do it I couldn't move to another country and learn another language 所以我做不到 我做不到移民到另一个国家 学习另一门语言
But can you get rid of the accent?No i can't, I tried and i'm too old already 但是你摆脱不掉这个口音吗 不 不能 我努力过但是我年纪太大了
If I come when I was like.my son, for example goes from English to Spanish like it's nothing 我说我在我儿子的这个年纪 来到这里 例如 从英语转换成西班牙语小菜一碟
but I can't - how old he?He's 19 And he's perfect speaking English?Perfect 但是我做不到 他多大了 十九岁了 他英语说得很好 非常好
He talks to me in Spanish, in English amazingly.He's so annoyed2 by my English.He doesn't understand 他和我说西班牙语 英语都很流利 他很受不了我的英语 他听不懂
He was like, you are the only person in the world that after many years in this country gets worse and worse 他说 你是这个世界上唯一一个 在这个国家呆了这么多年 结果英语说得越来越差
That's not normal Is it getting worse? It is getting worse 这太不正常了 是越来越差吗 是越来越差
I mean like sometimes I talk and I don't really understand what I said 有时候我说话 我自己都搞不懂我在说什么
I just wait.I do like a little puzzle to see the person's face to see if they understood 我就一直等 我就像猜谜一样的看着那个人的脸 看他们是否听懂了
Because I didn't understand what I said.And now I know how to read the faces 因为我都不知道自己在说什么 现在我知道了怎样读懂一个人的表情
Right, if they understand, then you just move on.What if they don't understand? 好吧 如果他们听懂了 那你就继续说 要是她们听不懂呢
I move on anyway.Alright.Well, this is what I thought would be really fun especially with your accent 我还是会继续说 好吧 这件事我觉得会非常好玩 尤其配上你这口音
but what I wanna do we've done it with Dennis Quay3 and we've done it with a few people and David Beckham last week 我想做的这件事我以前和Dennis Quay合作过 我们还和其他许多人合作过 上星期小贝也一起玩了
I wanna put an IFB in your ear,I am gonna send you somewhere on the lot 我想要在你的耳朵里放一个耳机 我要派你到空地的某个地方
and I'm gonna try to have you to mess with some people on the lot and I have to do everything you say? 我要让你尝试着和那里的人们交谈 然后我必须照你说的话去做
Everything I say.Only what I say.Ok.Hope you understand me Alright?We'll be back And she will be sent over there. 照我说的话去做 只能听我的指令 好的 希望你能听得懂 好吗 我们马上回来 她马上会被送到指定的地方

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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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adj.烦恼的,恼怒的,生气的,恼火的 | |
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n.码头,靠岸处 | |
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