Until I had to do it.It took my breath away.I had no idea how it was to walk into that room and dash somebody's... 结果轮到我亲自淘汰人了 难受得我浑身不自在 我之前完全不知道 要走进屋里 当面打击人 那是啥感受
Well on the first episode1 the girl that sang to you that was her...she just wanted to get out of there, and it was her one-way out 第一集那女孩给你唱歌 她只想逃离那地方 而你们是她唯一的出路
she sang to you and that little like...And he said no!You said no right to her face. 她给你们唱歌 求你们 然后他说的不行 然后你当面跟她说不行
Aya, cold heartless man! Just horrible!That was actually one of the easier ones.Really? 好狠心的男人啊 多可怕啊 那个还算是说的客气的 真的啊
I think it's harder on this show because we did the investing. 我觉得在我们节目里 这个更困难 因为 是我们发掘的他们
You know, we become friends with the talents that we find. 我们已经跟找到的这些人才做了朋友
We actually go to them, so we meet their families, we learn about them. 是我们去找的他们 所以见过他们的家人 了解他们
yeah, in Idol2 we don't have that whole thing.We don't even know their stories.On Idol you don't. NO. 没错 美偶里我们不这样 都不了解他们的背景 美偶里不了解是吗 没错
some of the stuff you do, had at time a tiny bit, Right? 也了解一些的吧 就只有一点点
Very little, and if they tell us something in the room then we get to know them a little bit more. 非常有限 他们要是在海选现场自己讲的话 那我们还能多了解一点
But when I see some of the stories back I'm like, "Oh my god!"Thank god you picked them.Or, oh my god we cut them!That's so difficult. 但有时候 我在回头看电视的时候 发现 我的天 谢天谢地 我们让他晋级了 也或者是 天呐我们居然把他淘汰了! 淘汰是很残酷的
I saw an episode or two, I'm like OMG. Had I known that the mother was here, I would have never cut... 我看过一两集美偶 就觉得 我的天 要知道他妈在 打死我也不能淘汰他
I'm like, man I feel terrible.But I'm actually glad that they don't tell me the stories 感觉太难受了 不过 其实我很庆幸 他们没怎么跟我讲这些故事
because I'll, I'll bring the whole Latin America...I'll be like,"just follow me!" 估计我恨不得把整个拉美种族带回来 父老乡亲们 都跟我走吧
Let's put on 5 shows, not just one.40 people every night.But I hope people watch the show. 咱办五个节目呗 别光一个了 每天晚上表演40个人 我希望大家都能看看这节目
Cause I, really I can't say enough good things about it.And I don't know whose idea it was to mostly speak Spanish. 真的 好话都说不够 我不知道是谁决定的 以西语为主
But it really does show us just another culture that we don't get to see enough on television. 这样真的会给我们展现另外一种文化 我们在电视上不常见到的

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n.(作品的一段)情节,插曲,系列事件中之一 | |
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n.偶像,红人,宠儿 | |
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n.说明字幕,印在外国影片上的对白翻译字幕,译文对白字幕;小标题,副标题( subtitle的名词复数 );(电影的)字幕 | |
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