and so through the stories they can connect to the animals 所以通过这些故事他们便能和动物们在情感上建立联系
and be inspired by the animals,cuz the animals have healed so to coney 同时也受到动物们的激励 因为动物们都能痊愈得那么快
amazing job you are doing and the story is a great story how you got started 你的工作是一个很棒的工作 你怎么起步的故事也是一个很棒的故事
and your fiance is working with you Jay and hi Jay 而你的未婚夫也陪你一起干 杰 嘿 杰
It's really a cool thing so we want to help you out because they need money 这确实是一件很酷的事 所以我们想要帮助你走出困境 因为 他们需要钱
and they are helping1 so many animals that need to be taken out of horrible situations 他们正在帮助一些急需 被带离困境的动物们
So we have friends at Tonic2.com who have been so extraordinarily3 generous with us for any occasion when they know somebody needs money 在Tonic.com上我们有一些朋友 无论何时当他们得知有人需要经济资助的时候 他们都表现的异常的大方
I know you are trying to raise 100 thousands dollars to rescue some dairy cows 我知道你正在筹集10万美元 来救助奶牛场的一些奶牛们
there give you 50 thousand dollars right now,OMG 现在给你5万美元 天啊
alright and we can help,everything you donate helps 是的 我们可以伸出援手 你所捐赠的任何一样东西都有用
please log on to our website to learn,how you can help the Gentle Barn reach their goal of raising 100 thousand dollars 请打开电脑登陆我们的网看看你能为“温柔之乡” 的筹集10万美元的梦想做些什么
and go to our website and you have to log on to the Gentle Barn 来到我们的网站 你得先打开电脑来到“温柔之乡”
because when you see the stories and when you see everything they are doing for these amazing animals 因为你会了解到那些故事 你会看到他们为这些可爱的动物们所付出的一切
and go visit if you can it's an amazing experience and bring your kids to learn more about that 如果有可能去参观一下那里吧 那确实是一个美妙的地方 带上你的孩子让他们也有更多的了解
any way congratulations.Simon Cowell will be here after this 无论如何 恭喜 西蒙·考威尔马上就会来到这里

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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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n./adj.滋补品,补药,强身的,健体的 | |
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adv.格外地;极端地 | |
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