These are the glamor1 shots,a lot of people took these in the 80s,You go to a mall or some place 这就是传说中的艺术照 在80年代时曾风靡一时 你去超市或者哪儿啊都能看到
Megan Holfmen from New Orleans Louisiana.My grandmother got me this glamor shot when I was in 7th grade Megan Holfmen来自路易斯安那州新奥尔良市 我奶奶带我去拍了这张艺术照 当时我只有七年级
She was in the 7th grade,but she'd already been divorced twice 她真的只有七年级 但她看着像是已离过两次婚的
Derek Gibbleheart in Aurora2 Colorado.This is a photo of my mother and sister Derek Gibbleheart 来自科罗拉多州奥罗拉市 这是一张老妈和老妹的照片
I can't tell where one starts and the other one ends 我想我看不见两个人的分界线了
They look stuck together,they really do like that was an accident some 他们看起来好像粘在一起了 她们真的看起来好像出了什么意外什么的
Marrian Jacobson Staunton Virginia.I though this pose was silly too,but the photographer insisted men love it MJ来自弗吉尼亚州斯汤顿市 我觉得这个姿势太蠢了 但是我的摄影师坚称这个姿势很勾男人
Yeah,I think,we must had the same photographer,he told me the same thing and look where I ended up 我想 我们肯定遇到同一个摄影师了 他也是这么跟我说的 于是
Sharron Livinsten in Toronto Ontario.I had this taken when I was 25,I thought I was a stunnin unit Sharron Livinsten来自安大略省多伦多市 这是我25岁时拍的 我觉得我是超靓型的
Well firts of all,you are a stunning3 unit.Sounds like she's describing a condo 好吧 首先呢 你确实是个超靓户型的 怎么觉得她在形容一户公寓
Although her hair look like,it can sleep a family of four I don't know 虽然从她的发型看来 这个超靓户型能睡得下一家四口
I think I'm gonna call her right now,she wins the priz for the most hair I have ever seen in one photo.That is the largest hair.Congratulations.You win 我觉得我得给她打个电话 她获得了“在一张照片中见过的最多头发”奖 真的是超多头发 恭喜你 你赢了
I would send you a crown,but I don't know if I can find one big enough to fit on 我会给你发个桂冠的 只要我能找到个够大的
It's an enoumous amount and,but the pink behind her is like she is in a sea of pink 这个头发真的是好多啊 我得忍不住再说一遍 但是她后面的这个粉红色 看起来 好像是她正畅游在一片粉红色海洋里面
I don't know how big the dress it but anyway if you have a glamor shot you think I should see,please sent it to me 不知道她穿的裙子有多大 好吧 如果你有什么艺术照想展示 请一定要寄给我
When we come back the first lady Michelle Obama would be sitting right there 广告之后 美国第一夫人Michelle Obama将坐在那张椅子上

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n.魅力,吸引力 | |
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n.极光 | |
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adj.极好的;使人晕倒的 | |
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