One of my girlfriend had a transgendered male friend 我一个女性朋友有一个变性后的男朋友
and I remember thinking you know he must feel like I do,but way worse 我想他的感受应该跟我差不多 或者更糟糕
I knew we were like cousins,but I didn't get exactly toally,because I was still feeling ok 我知道 我们就像堂兄弟 但是我还没有完全理解那种感觉 因为我对这种关系还感觉挺好的
and at that point I really,I just had this misconception that there was a part of the,you know lesbian community 对此我真有这样一个误解 以为女同性恋中有一部分人
that felt the same way I did that wished they were male 跟我一样 希望自己能成为男性
and felt more male,but they weren't,so they dealt with it 以男性身份对待事情 但他们又不能 所以他们想办法解决问题
Really? So you just assume1 everybody felt that way.No,no not everybody.But a small portion2 of the,of that community 所以你想每个人都是那样想的 不 不是每个人 而是那个群体中的一小部分人
And as I got older and started to kind of get out more,I realize you know what,that's not true 后来慢慢长大 接触的事物也越来越多 我就开始意识到那并不是正确的
I was at a party at somebody's house and there were a lot of gay3 women there 有次我在一个朋友家里参加派对 当时有很多女同性恋
and I remember just kind of sitting back,listening to conversations and it really struck me like 我记得当时我只是坐在那里 听着她们讲话 令我惊讶的是
all of these women,no matter how they are presenting themselves,have a really strong female4 indentity,and I never had that ever.Really,yeah 不管这些女人如何去表现自己 她们还是有很强的女性认同感 而我却从来没有那种感觉 真的吗 是的
So now,do you feel like you think,cause you are with the same girlfriend,for how long now 那现在你感觉怎么样 你原来女朋友一直跟你在一起呢 有多久了呢
Six years.Ok,so she was with you as a women,she is with you now,right 六年了 你还是女性的时候 你们就在一起了 一直到现在也在一起 是的
Do you feel like have a different,like you think differently,you have a different relationship 你对问题的看法是否有所改变 是否觉得这段感情有变化呢

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vt.假装;假定,设想;承担;呈现,采取 | |
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n.部分,份,命运;v.将...分配,分配 | |
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adj.同性恋的;色彩鲜艳的;n.(男)同性恋者 | |
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adj.雌的,女(性)的;n.雌性的动物,女子 | |
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adj.难于觉察或描述的,精巧的 | |
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