Thank you.Thank you kindly1.Thank you kindly tony.Yes 谢谢 十分感谢 十分感谢 Tony 嗯
Are you excited about Brad Pitt being here.Yeah indeed I am really excited first time 为Brad Pitt的到来感到兴奋么 当然 第一次这么激动
Good,I'm also excited,because there are a new episode of all my favorite shows 很好 我也兴奋 因为我喜欢的节目更新了
all the shows are back on the airs,so I mean I'm excited about that 所有的节目都回归荧幕了 我对此很兴奋
Now,I can finally watch people clean up their stuff on Hoarders 现在终于让我看到了 他们把《强迫症囤积症患者》节目里的东西收拾干净
and sell it on Pawn Stars and throw one another on Real Housewives 然后卖给《典当之星》真人秀 还在《家庭主妇》真人秀里面丢来丢去
And X-factor starts last night,that's very exciting to have that on the air X-factor昨晚开播 非常激动人心
It's Simon Cowell's new singing competition on Fox,all the judges would be here next week Fox电视台会播放Simon Cowell打造的新一季比赛 所有评委将会在下周到场
and that's how I gonna stand next Simon,when I see them just like that 这就是我为什么想站在Simon的旁边 当我看到他们像那样拍照时
So we just start our new season and this year we got some new time slots in different cities 我们即将开始新一季 今年我们在不同城市有不同播放时段
In Boston they gave me Oprah's time slot,so I said,thank you very much and that's lovely 在波士顿 他们给了我Oprah的时段 真的很感谢 太给力了
So to thank them for that I went to visit and I just love people I met in Boston so very very much 为了感谢他们 我去了波士顿 我非常喜欢那里的人
Not just because they lined in the streets and threw me in an impromptu prate 并不仅仅是因为他们沿街守候我 我还做了一个即兴演讲

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adj.和蔼的,温和的,爽快的;adv.温和地,亲切地 | |
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