Is that what the house is like,In the morning time in our house 你家跟疯人院一样 早上的时候是的
Right,cause that's,it's.you're just awake screaming for a cigarette 是啊 因为这 你醒了一心想抽根烟
Cause,you know Portia and I have been together six years and you and Angelina is about together the same matter of time 我和Portia在一起六年了 你和Angelina在一起的时间也差不多
and I just think wow,cause there's Maddox and Pax and Zahara and buffon Handsome men and then twins I don't know 我只是觉得 哇 那真是 我的孩子有Maddox Pax Zahara 淘气小鬼头们和双胞胎 我记不清了
There is,there is tiddler,there are so many of them.I just don't know how you balance 还有 还有一个小宝宝 记不清 实在太多了 我不知道你怎么平衡
Now there's gotta be one really really well behaved one that who's favorite 肯定有一个表现特别特别好 你最喜欢哪个
Eh,how do I get out of this.And what would you,I just throw some at you and you answer what you want 呃 这让我怎么说 你会怎样 我随便问你随便答
Would you want them to go into this business,or are you like warning2 them all not to be in this business 你想让他们进娱乐圈吗 还是说 你告诫他们千万别踏足这行
No I want them,you know whatever's gonna make them happy to help them feel fullfilled 你知道我希望他们 只要他们快乐 充实
I'm all forward.But on one can touch them till they are 18 我就支持 但是他们18岁以前谁也别想进
So you are travelling a lot,and you have the kids and you have a career,Angie has a career 你经常出差 你们有孩子 你要忙事业 Angle3也要忙事业
How do you have time to keep to have the romance,to have like along time 你们怎么有时间保持 去享受浪漫 享受二人世界
Do you just sometimes you say you will be back in a month.Do you just leave them at home 你们会不会 跟孩子们说一个月以后回来 然后把他们留在家里

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n.芭蕾舞 | |
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n.警告,告诫,训诫,警戒,警报 | |
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n.角,角度,立场,观点 | |
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