Why are there males and females? Why are there two sexes instead of three, or twelve, or one? On this Moment of Science we'll learn why two is the magic number. Let's start with why there is sex at all. When two organisms reproduce sexually, sperm an...
人的一生中,将近三分之一的时间是用于睡觉的。刚出生的婴儿几乎每天要睡20个小时;即使成年后,每夭至少要睡 6~7小时。 不管睡眠时间长短如何,睡觉看来是人必不可少的行为。这一点...
【背景】 血型分类: 一般常见A、B、AB和O四种,另外还有RH、MNS、P等极为稀少的10余种血型系统。其中,AB型可以接受任何血型的血液输入,因此被称作万能受血者,O型可以输出给任何血型的人...
【原文】 This week on Why? Tell Me Why! We are answering a viewer question as to why lightning bugs light up. Lightning bugs light up basically to find a mate. Its a way that lightning bugs communicate witheach other, to call each other together,...
Two recent studies have found that punishment is not the best way to influence behaviour.,One showed that adults are much more cooperative if they work in a system based on rewards. Researchers at Harvard University in the United States and the Stock...