Do I Know You?
With computer security threats lurking1 around every electronic corner it is no wonder that so many online activities, from signing into your e-mail to checking your bank account, require a secure log-in with a password. But passwords can be stolen or forgotten, and most of us are not about to shell out1 for a high-tech2 retinal2 scanner3. So Israeli scientists in Haifa4 have created a program that lets a computer recognize you as its rightful user based simply on the way you type.
The human brains behind this artificial brain are two undergraduate students. They came up with the idea of a program that recognizes users by their keystrokes and took it to a professor of computer science. The professor and other scientists realized that any standard computer already monitors the time it takes a user to press and release a key. Their innovation was to create a program that records the details of keystroke timing3 and turns them into a distinctive45 user profile. Variables such as the length of your fingers, the size of your hands, your fine motor skills, your knowledge of the keyboard, and your fluency5 in the language being typed all affect your keystroke rate and pattern and define your rhythm on the keyboard as uniquely your own.
If the person working on the computer fits your profile, the program will signal a positive ID; if the program senses a mismatch, it could be used to block access to sensitive files. The great appeal of this security system is that it does not require the user to do anything out of the ordinary. You go about business as usual while the computer does all the work. “One can obviously deliberately66 type in a way that differs from how one normally would, but it’s really very hard to type like somebody else,” the scientists say. “This program picks out superimposed7 patterns unique to an individual user.”
The researchers tested the program by allowing five authorized78 users to type simple sentences, permitting the system to learn their typing habits. They then asked the five authorized users and 30 mock9 attackers to type out answers to simple open? ended questions such as “ What did you do today?” as well as a specific letter sequence: “To be or not to be. That is the question.” Both groups were then allowed to type whatever they wished. Within a few minutes of typing, the program had collected enough data to recognize authorized users 95 percent of the time and to block attackers in 99 percent of the test sessions.
This security system can also be equipped with an alert function to notify the authorized user when an attacker attempts to get access to his or her account. The scientists are also working on a companion program that would recognize patterns in computer mouse usage, which could prevent a stranger from clicking on folders8 to view sensitive files. In fact, there’s no reason why this approach must be limited to computers. The more complex the interaction, the easier it is for the system to identify someone because the variability is so great. The scientists aim to develop a program that allows a car to recognize its owner based on characteristic patterns of braking10, accelerating11, signaling, turning, and other essential driving actions.
1. shell out 交(款),付(款)
2. retinal [`retInEl] a. 视网膜的,视网膜上的
3. scanner [5skAnE] n. 扫描设备
4. Haifa [5haifE] 海法 [以色列港市]
5. distinctive [dis5tiNktiv] a. 特别的,有特色的
6. deliberately [dI5lIbErEtlI] ad. 故意地,蓄意地
7. superimposed [7sju:pErim5pEuzd] a. 叠置的,重叠的,附加上的
8. authorized [5C:WEraIzd] a. 经授权的,经委托的
9. mock [mCk] a. 假的,假装的
10. brake [breik] vi. 刹车
11. accelerate [Ak5selEreit] vi. 加速,增速

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adj.高科技的 | |
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n.时间安排,时间选择 | |
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adj.特别的,有特色的,与众不同的 | |
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n.流畅,雄辩,善辩 | |
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adv.审慎地;蓄意地;故意地 | |
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a.委任的,许可的 | |
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n.文件夹( folder的名词复数 );纸夹;(某些计算机系统中的)文件夹;页面叠 | |
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