She also likes "to use" her "hair dryer1 to give" her "bangs a little more shape." 她还喜欢“用”她的“吹风机给”她的“刘海塑塑型”。
Bangs, "bangs," (always plural) is the hair that is on the part of your head above your eyes, between your eyes and the top of your head. 刘海(bangs,通常是复数)是眼睛上方的头发,在眼睛和头顶之间。
We call that part of your head your forehead, "forehead." So, bangs are hair that goes over your forehead. 我们把你头的那部分叫做前额(forehead)。所以,刘海是覆盖前额的头发。
Lucy is trying "to give" her "bangs little more shape," that is she doesn't want them just flat; 露西想“给”她的“刘海塑塑型”,也就是说她不想这些头发是平的;
she wants to give them a different shape than what they have right now. 她想给他们塑造一个不同的形状。
So, she takes "out the curlers," meaning she removes the curlers from her hair, "one by one" and brushes her hair into the style that she likes. 于是,她拿“出了卷发器”,意思是她从头发上取下卷发器,“一个接一个”,把头发梳成她喜欢的发型。
To brush, "brush," as a verb, means to take something and put it through your hair so that your hair goes in a certain direction. “梳”(brush)是动词,意思是把某样东西放到你的头发上,这样你的头发就会朝着某个方向移动。
The noun brush, "brush," is the thing that you put in your hair. We also use the word brush for someone who is painting. 名词“梳子”(brush),就是插进头发里的东西。我们也用这个词来描述绘画。
The thing you use to put paint on wall or on a picture; that would be also called a brush, a paintbrush. This is a hairbrush. 你用来把颜料涂在墙上或图画上的东西;这也叫做画笔。这里是一个发梳。

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n.干衣机,干燥剂 | |
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