Well, in the story Lucy says that she needs to mop her bathroom and to scrub her tub. 故事中,露西说她需要用拖把拖下浴室,并擦洗浴缸。
Scrub, "scrub" is a verb, which means to clean something by using a lot of energy - by using a lot of force. 擦洗,是动词,意思用力去清洁某个东西——用很大的劲儿。
Taking a towel, for example, and rubbing it back and forth1 several times; that would be to scrub something. 例如,拿着毛巾来回擦几次,肯定能擦掉些东西。
Lucy says that she's too tired, so that the mopping and the scrubbing "will have to wait for another day." 露西说她太累了,所以“改天”才能拖地和擦洗。
Or, if this were my house, it would be another year! 或者说,如果这是我的家,那就是“改年”了。
Lucy turns on the television "to watch the newscast." 露西打开电视观看新闻广播。
A newscast, "newscast," is the same as a news program or a television news show that you will watch usually either on your television, 新闻广播,通常情况下,与你在电视上或者播客上观看的新闻节目或者电视新闻节目相同,
although you could have a newscast on the radio as well, or on a podcast. 不过也可以用收音机收听新闻。
Lucy says that she was too late to watch the national news; she "missed the national news." 露西说,她晚了一会儿,没赶上看国内新闻,也就是她“错过了国内新闻”。
The national news, of course, would be news about the whole country, not just about your particular area. 当然,国内新闻,是关于整个国家的新闻,不仅仅是你某个特定地区的新闻。
If it is news just about your city, we would call that local news. 如果只是关于你所在城市的新闻,我们叫作本地新闻。

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