Voices was absolutely packed here at the rocks Bar. Screaming infact. It is so noisy inside, within the Party outside. Automately, Amly deforce was Victory's out of Denmark with her song: only the tears drop. She wasn't the only highlight of the night however, there was kilds wearing grics singing about free alcohol.As a singer, Deress as vampire1 out of Romania, so planning of highlights from tinights your vision, joining you now we talk a bit more about them. Nile is self describer. your vision, a fishing nato. Nile, Do you think that Denmark deserves to win this competition. Yes definitely, I think they prepared a lot , I think prepared a lot into that performance.Denmark was Ag to Wins ni. What is the highlight for you from today's competition. I think the highlights have to be a countrylike feelings. Feelings did lot within the performance. and they have the lesbian kiss right at the ends. Ok we were sweden. How did sweden do, Did they put on a good show. Seden did a very good job, that nigh put into a good shave and they suppose good enge right the end. We enjoy. and the party continues here in london next. it is onto denmark. I am Garclin CNN london.

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