David Zinczenko, is the editor-in-chief of Men's Health Magazine and he's got a new book out called Men, Love & Sex, the Complete User's Guide for Women. And Kate White is the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan1 Magazine. Good to see both of you guys. (Good to see you, Roker) Ok, let's start with you, first of all, you, I, I find this list very interesting that you think that the men look for the top characteristics in women. Let's take a look. Eh, number 1: faithfulness, which is interesting, 2: intelligence, 3: beauty, 4: honesty and 5, bottom of the list of the top 5: good in bed. David, were you surprised by those results?
Err2, no, I think eh, and we did other research for the book that actually con3, confirmed these. 92% of all men say that they would rather meet the love of their lives, their soul mate, than have amazing sex for 6 months. And that's why I think something like faithfulness and intelligence is ranking at the top of the list. I think there guys are not interested in only a one-night stand.
But, Kate, you guys did something on your website, and a little, a little bit different. Ah, according to men, the, the, here it is, do you think that beauty is the first thing men look for?
Well, I think just because that gets the ball rolling, it's that initial driving force, and if that's not there, you can't have the other things there eventually too.
And it's an exactly flip-flop on your list what women think men look for, number 5: faithfulness and honesty, whereas in Dave's survey, it was number 1.
See, I think those are things guys think they're supposed to say, I think they are things...... (So, so now we are guilty of not being honest.)Not being honest. (Come on!)
Err, I don't think that, you know, the guys see those as important till they meet a woman who doesn't have them. I think one thing that was missing from the, the list, that's important, is a sense of allure4 and mystery, kind of the Angelina Jolie factor, that guys just get in a lather5 when women keep them guessing and surprise them. I think that's very important.
I think it's important but look, there, the world is full of beautiful women who say that they can not find a date. And I think that speaks to the notion that guys, err, are not just using beauty, you know, as the sole benchmark, it's not what's ruling their hearts and their minds.
So,is it, does that, does, does age make a difference? Cause, I guess when you're 20 or 25 ,maybe yes, you want the hot chick, but when you get to 30, 35, you realize what's really important.
Yeah, but I think what you're looking for is intelligence and faithfulness and honesty, because women are out there in the world, and you wanna make sure that you can trust them and that's the biggest issue today for guys.
David, let's go over some of the, the research, other research from your book. According to this, 72% of men pick honesty over looks. Do you agree with that, Kate?
Nooo....I doubt it, I think you use a phrase: "Hot Mama". I think every guy, no matter what he might think on some intellectual level, really wants that " Hot Mama" that it doesn't have to be beautiful but there has to be some physical connection.
But there is no point in having a beautiful orchard6 if you're worrying all the time about somebody picking your fruit. You have, you have to have an honest woman.
Tell that to Brad Pitt.
Ha, ok, number 2 , intelligence versus7 passion. 53% of men picked passion over intelligence.
Well, that's exactly why men like dogs more than cats. They crave8 enthusiasm and loyalty9 in big slobbery greetings over distance and finicky behavior.
So in another words, women should go up and lick their guys.
I blame all the cats...(inaudible)That's an excellent start.
Well, passion did win out, I think that it shows just how important that is.
Beautiful face versus beautiful body. 60% of men picked a beautiful face over a beautiful body.
I think you can look into somebody's eyes and see love, and if you look at somebody's face a lot more than you look at their body. And if it's the other way around, then may not be somebody you wanna go out with.
I do think guys are much more forgiving about their bodies than women are. That they like curves, they like fullness, and I think the face does win out. There I have to agree with David on that one.
Ah, David, Kate, thanks so much.
1. benchmark:n.A benchmark is something whose quality or quantity is known and which can therefore be used as a standard with which other things can be compared.标准, 尺度;基准;参照点
2. orchard:n. group of planted fruit trees; garden (Obsolete) 果园, 果树
3. touche:interj. encouraging exclamation10; type of cheer 一针见血; 说得对
4. slobbery:adj. sentimental11, overemotional
5. finicky:adj. fastidious, overly meticulous; hard to please, picky 过分注意的; 过分周到的; 过分讲究的

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adj.世界性的,全世界的,四海为家的,全球的 | |
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vi.犯错误,出差错 | |
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n.反对的观点,反对者,反对票,肺病;vt.精读,学习,默记;adv.反对地,从反面;adj.欺诈的 | |
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n.诱惑力,魅力;vt.诱惑,引诱,吸引 | |
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n.(肥皂水的)泡沫,激动 | |
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n.果园,果园里的全部果树,(美俚)棒球场 | |
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prep.以…为对手,对;与…相比之下 | |
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vt.渴望得到,迫切需要,恳求,请求 | |
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n.忠诚,忠心 | |
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n.感叹号,惊呼,惊叹词 | |
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adj.多愁善感的,感伤的 | |
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