Julia: And how about you? What kind of learner are you?
Todd: Well I guess I'm maybe kinesthetic, that's movement, right, or doing things with your hands.
Julia: Yeah, I think so or even your whole body?
Todd: I don't know. Is kinesthetic using your hands or is it your whole body? Or does it matter?
Julia: I'm not sure it matters. Perhaps there's two different types. I know there's something called TPR when we teach English, total physical response.
Todd: Right. So that would be kinesthetic?
Julia: That's maybe kinesthetic, that's where you give an instruction and the student performs the task and they use the whole body in that case but it can just be your hands or a body part. I think it's both.
Todd: Yes, I think so, yeah. Yes, I mean, so basically1 if I do it like if I somehow have to make it or if I'm moving, I definitely2 think I learn better. You know, I learned3 how to do everything for web design and stuff4 like that by I think just moving the mouse, click here, click there, type here, type there, whereas5 like reading it from a book I just, you know, I couldn't learn it that way. So maybe, maybe, I'm kind of that way. The same with cooking, you know, like I have to do it. If I don't do it I'm not going to remember it. I just can't read a recipe and cook. So I think maybe the other thing I would be, would be, I guess would be an aural6 learner or auditory learner. So basically through hearing.
Julia: My husband's the same, yeah.
Todd: Yeah.
Julia: He can hear a sentence, hear a new word, and remember it just from his ears.
Todd: Really?
Julia: Yeah.
Todd: That's good.
Julia: That's very good, yeah.
Todd: Like I love podcasts and I love hearing things, that's probably why I have this website. I don't like reading too much. I do read and I actually don't even like watching TV very much. I don't like watching movies very much.
Julia: Really?
Todd: No. I would actually much rather listen to a radio program, a good podcast, than watch a movie.
Julia: You see when I listen to a podcast...
Todd: While I'm walking.
Julia: There you go, definitely kinesthetic. If I listen to a podcast, I get a little bit frustrated7 that I can't see the people speaking.
Todd: Really?
Julia: It frustrates8 me a little bit that I can't see the faces when they're talking, when I don't know what they look like.
Todd: Oh, I never even thought of that. Yeah, I just don't even care.
Julia: I need to, I need visual input9 in order for it to, I don't know, go into that part of my brain where it stays, where it stores maybe.
Todd: So we're definitely two different types of learners?
Julia: Absolutely, yes.
Learn Vocabulary from the lesson
I guess maybe I'm a kinesthetic learner.
Something 'kinesthetic' involves movement, so a kinesthetic learner learns through movement. Notice the following:
The class involves a lot of kinesthetics.
I learned how to do everything for web design just by moving the mouse, whereas reading from a book, I just couldn't learn it that way.
You can use 'whereas' to introduce a second topic that is opposite the first topic. Notice the following:
My father is very tall, whereas my mother is short.
Here is too hot, whereas where I'm from is too cold.
auditory learner
I guess I would be an oral learner or an auditory learner.
An 'auditory learner' would be a person who learns through listening. Notice the following:
He is an amazing auditory listener, and he remembers everything.
I have never been a very good auditory listener.
visual input
I need a visual input to remember things.
'Visual input' are things that you can see. They are visual images that your brain can process. Notice the following:
It's important to write important concepts11 on the board to give students a visual input during class.
We would like to have more visual input during the presentation to keep people interested.
I need a visual input for it to go into the part of my brain where it stores.
Here, where something is 'stored' is where it is saved. Notice the following:
Here is where we store all the extra cleaning supplies.
Where do you store your empty suitcases?

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adv.基本上,从根本上说 | |
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adv.一定地,肯定地;明确地,确切地 | |
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adj.有学问的,博学的;learn的过去式和过去分词 | |
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n.原料,材料,东西;vt.填满;吃饱 | |
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conj.而,却,反之 | |
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adj.听觉的,听力的 | |
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adj.挫败的,失意的,泄气的v.使不成功( frustrate的过去式和过去分词 );挫败;使受挫折;令人沮丧 | |
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v.使不成功( frustrate的第三人称单数 );挫败;使受挫折;令人沮丧 | |
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n.输入(物);投入;vt.把(数据等)输入计算机 | |
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n.教学,执教,任教,讲授;(复数)教诲 | |
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n.概念( concept的名词复数 );观念;想法;总的印象 | |
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