A controversy1 over whether Donald Trump2 gave classified information about the risk of IS using laptops against aircraft to Russia's foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, last week, 上周,唐纳德·特朗普是否将IS使用笔记本袭击飞机的机密信息泄漏给俄罗斯外交部长拉夫罗夫,引发了一场争论,
may also have had an impact on the debate, and helped airlines to avoid a wider ban for now. 这场争论可能产生影响并促使航空公司规避目前更大范围的禁令。
They have good reason to worry about the possibility. 他们有理由担心这种可能性。
The transatlantic market is hugely important on both sides of the pond. 大西洋两岸的跨大西洋市场对两边都非常重要。
Around 31m people flew from Europe to America last year, reckons IATA, an airline industry group. 据国际航空运输协会(一个航空业组织)的估计,去年约有三千一百万人从欧洲飞往美国。
Business travellers, who rely on staying productive while in the air, would have been the most reluctant to fly laptop-free. 禁止携带笔记本电脑的禁令,对于那些即使在空中也忙碌的商务旅客是最不情愿的。
In any case, executives are often forbidden to put company computers in the hold for fear of theft or loss of sensitive information. 无论如何,高管通常被禁止将公司的电脑离身,以免被窃取或丢失敏感信息。
Business- and first-class seats account for only 13% of transatlantic passengers but provide half the revenue. 尽管商务舱和一等舱乘客只占跨大西洋旅客的13%,但其提供了航班一半的收入。
Following the ban in the Middle East, Emirates, a Dubai-based carrier, cut flights to America by a fifth 继中东禁令之后,光迪拜的阿联酋航空公司去往美国的航班就减少了五分之一
(flyers were also put off by a strong dollar and worries about potential immigration difficulties). (航班也因强势美元而推迟,并担心潜在的移民困难)。
If executives could not work on planes, it might cost the industries they work for around $655m in lost productivity, calculates IATA, 据IATA所估计,如果高管们在每一次飞行中都失去五小时的工作时间,
based on an assumption that half of business-class passengers will lose five hours' working time per flight. 那么他们效力的行业可能会因为这五个小时的空白时间损失大约6.55亿美元。
Research from Oxford3 Economics, a forecasting outfit4, found that in Britain a 1% increase in business travel is associated with a 400 million pounds ($518m) boost to trade. 牛津经济学研究公司(Oxford Economics,一家预测机构)的一项调查,发现在英国,每增长1%的商务旅游,就能增加4亿英镑(5.18亿美元)的交易额。
John Kelly, America's homeland-security secretary, had suggestions for business executives and families on how to cope with a laptop ban: 美国国土安全部长约翰·凯利就业务主管和家庭提出了如何应对笔记本电脑禁令的建议:
read a book or magazine or, heaven forfend, talk to the kids. 阅读一本书或杂志,或者实在不行可以与孩子交谈。
Such tactics may not now be needed. 但从现在来看,这些策略可能都不需要了。

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n.争论,辩论,争吵 | |
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n.王牌,法宝;v.打出王牌,吹喇叭 | |
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n.牛津(英国城市) | |
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n.(为特殊用途的)全套装备,全套服装 | |
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