Workers are more inclined to accept help if they feel the treatment regime will be considerate. 如果雇员们治疗方案合适的话,他们更愿意接受治疗。
"Cognitive1 behavioural therapy", which teaches people to bypass unhelpful thoughts, has few negative connotations. “认知行为疗法”能教人们绕开那些无益的想法,这种疗法几乎没什么潜在负面影响。
The business world has also made great strides in dealing2 with mental health. 商业界也在对待精神健康方面大有进步。
A 2017 report by Business in the Community, a British charity, for example, 例如,英国慈善组织—社区商业协会的一份2017年报告发现
found that 53% of workers said they felt comfortable about discussing mental-health issues at work. 53%的员工表示在工作场合讨论心理健康问题不会让他们感到不适。
But plenty of progress still needs to be made. Only13% of those with a problem felt they would be able to discuss it with their line manager. 但仍需要做出更多的进步。在患有心理健康的人群中,仅有13%的人觉得他们可以和自己的部门经理讨论这个问题。
Zain Sikafi, a British doctor, has set up Mynurva, an online therapy service that schedules appointments after 5pm and at weekends, 英国医生Zain Sikafi成立了Mynurva,在下午五点以后和周末预约为人们提供在线疗法服务,
so that people can get help outside office hours. He says that people are reluctant to tell their friends and colleagues that they need therapy. 这样大家可以在下班时间获得帮助。他称人们不愿意告诉自己的朋友和同事自己需要治疗。
That is why Mynurva has no app: it would be permanently3 visible on users' phones. 所以Mynurv没有app:app在用户的手机上是永远可以看见的。
One approach that might encourage greater understanding, Dr Sikafi suggests, would be a change of terminology4. Sikafi医生表示,一种鼓励大家对此了解更多的方法是更改术语。
Terms like "mental illness" are still associated with some severe conditions. 像是“精神病”这样的术语仍然和一些严重的疾病相联系。
Some companies have a long-hours culture; others insist on near-continuous contact with their employees through their smartphones. 一些公司有加班的公司文化;其他公司坚持通过智能手机和他们的员工保持不间断的联系。
That makes it very hard for workers to escape stress and to devote their attention to their families or to enjoy activities outside work. 这样让员工们难以逃离压力,无法将他们的注意力投入家庭,也无法享受工作之外的活动。
On the other hand, flexitime has become more common, 另一方面,弹性上班制越来越普遍,
home working may create a calmer environment, and it is more acceptable for men to take time off for family events. 在家工作或许能创造出一个更加平静的环境,对那些需要抽出时间料理家事的男性来说,也更加可以接受。
And a reticence5 to talk about mental health in front of the boss may be unnecessary. Executives are people, too. 或许不必在老板面前对心理健康避而不谈。高管们也是人。
A study by BUPA, a health insurer, of global business leaders found that 64% had suffered a mental-health issue at some point. 健康保险公司保柏集团对全球商业领袖做了一份研究,该研究发现64%的领导者在某一刻也有过心理健康问题。
That ought to make them sympathetic to staff in the same situation. 这一经历应该让他们对处于同一情况中的员工更有同理心。
In theory, a more humane6 approach should be good for managers and workers for other reasons as well. 理论上来讲,一种更加人道的方法应该对管理者和员工们都有益。
The WHO says that "workplaces that promote mental health and support people with mental disorders7 are more likely to reduce absenteeism, WHO表示“那些促进心理健康并对患有精神障碍的员工给予支持的公司更有可能降低矿工率,
increase productivity and benefit from associated economic gains." Just the ability to talk freely about stress or anxiety may reduce the problem. 提供生产效率,也能从相关的经济收益中获益。”仅仅是自由谈论压力或焦虑的能力或许就能减轻这类问题。
Perhaps in future workers will be no more reluctant to reveal a mental condition than to report a broken bone or a dose of the flu. 大概在未来,相比上报骨折或流感等疾病,员工们更加不会拒绝透露自己的精神状况。

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adj.认知的,认识的,有感知的 | |
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n.经商方法,待人态度 | |
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adv.永恒地,永久地,固定不变地 | |
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n.术语;专有名词 | |
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n.沉默,含蓄 | |
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adj.人道的,富有同情心的 | |
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n.混乱( disorder的名词复数 );凌乱;骚乱;(身心、机能)失调 | |
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