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  • 经济学人271:日本消费税 税收稳定经济 Finance and economics 财经商业 Japan's consumption tax 日本消费税 Taxonomics 税收稳定经济 A crucial rise in a controversial levy may be in doubt 争议税种,关键增税,何去何从,尚存疑问 THE Japanese are among the world
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  • 经济学人273:在利比亚做生意 后卡扎菲时代的停滞 Business 商业报道 Business in Libya 在利比亚做生意 A post-Qaddafi pause 后卡扎菲时代的停滞 Despite the opportunities, most foreign investors are so far staying away 尽管满地的机会,但外国资本还是敬而远之 A DRIVE
  • 经济学人274:经济数据 先人一步 偷瞄一眼 Finance and economics 财经商业 Economic data 经济数据 Peeking early 先人一步,偷瞄一眼 A continuing kerfuffle over releases of privately sourced data 私人发布的数据持续引发热议 DATA releases stir emotions as well as movi
  • 经济学人275:资金冻结指数 停止的迹象 Finance and economics 财经商业 The capital-freeze index 资金冻结指数 Stop signs 停止的迹象 Which emerging markets are most vulnerable to a freeze in capital inflows? 哪些新兴市场最容易在资本流入时冻结? THE risk of an
  • 经济学人276:新任联邦储备局长 鸽派主政 Finance and economics 财经商业 The new head of the Federal Reserve 新任联邦储备局长 Dove ascendant 鸽派主政 Janet Yellen will stick to her predecessor's expansionary policies 詹尼特将会继续推行前任扩张性经济政策 FOR
  • 经济学人277:墨西哥阶层划定 中产阶级的价值 Finance and economics 财经商业 Defining class in Mexico 墨西哥阶层划定 Middle worth 中产阶级的价值 Politicians and statisticians hunt for the middle class 政治家和统计员们寻找中产阶级 IN THE hallowed name of the middle
  • 经济学人278:宗教旅游业 来自天堂的便士 Business 商业报道 Religious tourism 宗教旅游业 Pennies from heaven 来自天堂的便士 Pilgrimages are a big businessand getting bigger 朝拜活动内含巨大商机-而且前景持续变好 MECCANS say they do not need agriculture, for G
  • 经济学人279:看电视 分开的屏幕 Business 商业报道 Watching television 看电视 Cracking the screens 分开的屏幕 Media bosses hope mobile devices will help, rather than hurt, television 媒体老板希望移动设备能够帮助而不是伤害电视业 IN THE television bus
  • 经济学人280:海尔海阔天空 Business 商业报道 Chinese industry 中国工业 Haier and higher 海尔海阔天空 The radical boss of Haier wants to transform the world's biggest appliance-maker into a nimble internet-age firm 与众不同的海尔老总想将世界上最大的
  • 经济学人281:德国房地产公司 非常安全 Business 商业报道 German property firms 德国房地产公司 Safe as houses 非常安全 The residential-property business is growing and consolidating 住宅地产商业正在扩大合并 THE British are obsessed with property ownership, but Ge
  • 经济学人282:高利债券 来点垃圾 Finance and economics 财经商业 High-yield bonds 高利债券 An appetite for junk 来点垃圾 Companies have taken advantage of investors'growing willingness to buy speculative bonds 公司很好的利用了投资者日益高涨的购买投机性债
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  • 经济学人285:墨西哥软饮料 嘶嘶愤怒 Business 商业报道 Soft drinks in Mexico 墨西哥软饮料 Fizzing with rage 嘶嘶愤怒 A once-omnipotent industry fights what may be a losing battle 一个曾经无所不能的行业的一场必败之仗 LA MANSION steakhouse inside Mexico's l