BBC1 Learning2 EnglishLondon LifePortobello RoadJackie: Hello, I'm Jackie Dalton. Welcome to London Life!
This week we find outabout one of London's most interesting streets –Portobello Road, which is especially famous for itsSaturday market. We'll look at the language of markets andshopping. First, we'll hear from Jonathan, who is a dealerthere. He sells old maps. Listen to him describe what it'slike there. He'll talk about the stalls4 – small shops withan open front or stands where things are sold. They sellantiques – old objects like furniture or decorations whichsome people like to collect. And junk6 – things that peopledon't want anymore and have thrown out, but others mightlike to buy. Listen out for those words now.
JonathanWell Portobello Road is a wonderful place to go if you wantto wander round antique5 stalls, junk stalls. You never knowquite what you're going to find. Every stall3 sellsdifferent things, there must be well over a hundreddifferent dealers7 and shops. So there's plenty to see anddo and it's great fun for a day out.
Jackie: So what makes Portobello Road special –different from any other street where you can go shopping?
This time, listen out for these expressions:
Chain stores – big, well-known shops which have stores inmany places and tend to sell the same kinds of products. Anexample of a chain is MacDonald's or Burger King, they arechains which have similar restaurants all over the world.
Traders8 – in this context9 are the people who have marketstalls or shops and who are selling.
Merchandise10 – is the product they're selling, whether it'sfood, clothes, antiques,or anything else.
Now as you listen to Jonathan, try to answer this question:
What's the difference between Portobello Road and othershopping streets?
JonathanThe real difference you'll notice is the lack of big chainstores. The area has a semi-protected status so you get alot of small traders in there who would never be able toafford to run a shop anywhere else. So you'll getcompletely unique shops and stalls selling very, veryunusual merchandise. It's unlike11 any other street in Londonand is well worth a visit.
Jackie: Did you get the answer? The difference isit's not just full of big chains, selling the same thingsas everywhere else. There are smaller shops, selling thingsthat are 'unique' – different, unusual.
What kinds of things? You'll hear the word 'memento12', whichmeans a small thing that you keep to remind you ofsomething. And you'll hear the word'bric-a-brac' – Jonathan will explain what that means13.
JonathanAnything and everything! I mean, there are some stalls andthere are some shops which are very expensive and they willhave wonderful furniture or paintings and then there willbe a stall that will be selling what we would call in thiscountry 'bric-a-brac' and that can be anything from alittle cup, to a tin, to a glass, to a toy, you name it!
And that is the great thing about going to Portobello Road,is that you're never sure what you're going to find. For afew pounds you'll come away with a lovely memento of Londonand something, probably, that's almost unique.
BBC LEARNING ENGLISHJackie: The market takes place every Saturday. Whydoes Jonathan think it's good to go early?
JonathanIt opens quite early. If you were to arrive there, say, atseven o'clock in the morning it would already be there fullof dealers and a lot of the stalls would all be up andrunning and that would be the time to get the reallyinteresting bargains.
Jackie: Jonathan says if you go early, that's thebest time to pick up an interesting bargain. A 'bargain' issomething you buy cheaper than the usual price:
Voice: This jumper was a real bargain – it was reducedfrom 30 pounds to 14! Jackie: So you can go early to getan interesting bargain. There's another way ofgetting a good bargain. Listen to Jonathan again. You'llhear the word 'haggle14'. Try to work out from the contextwhat 'to haggle' means.
JonathanIf you see something on a store and you think 'I reallylike that, but it's a bit too expensive,' haggle! Say tothe man or the woman 'What's the best price you can do onthis?' And if they want to sell it they'll give you aprice.
Jackie: To 'haggle' is to argue over the price ofsomething with the person who is selling it. In most shopsin Britain, you shouldn't try to haggle because there is afixed price for things. But in many markets and in somesmaller shops you can sometimes haggle to get a betterprice for whatever you want to buy.
Well, Portobello Road is certainly one of my favouritestreets in London and if you're visiting the capital cityand want to pick up a memento of London or a good bargain,it's certainly the place to go.
This week we find outabout one of London's most interesting streets –Portobello Road, which is especially famous for itsSaturday market. We'll look at the language of markets andshopping. First, we'll hear from Jonathan, who is a dealerthere. He sells old maps. Listen to him describe what it'slike there. He'll talk about the stalls4 – small shops withan open front or stands where things are sold. They sellantiques – old objects like furniture or decorations whichsome people like to collect. And junk6 – things that peopledon't want anymore and have thrown out, but others mightlike to buy. Listen out for those words now.
JonathanWell Portobello Road is a wonderful place to go if you wantto wander round antique5 stalls, junk stalls. You never knowquite what you're going to find. Every stall3 sellsdifferent things, there must be well over a hundreddifferent dealers7 and shops. So there's plenty to see anddo and it's great fun for a day out.
Jackie: So what makes Portobello Road special –different from any other street where you can go shopping?
This time, listen out for these expressions:
Chain stores – big, well-known shops which have stores inmany places and tend to sell the same kinds of products. Anexample of a chain is MacDonald's or Burger King, they arechains which have similar restaurants all over the world.
Traders8 – in this context9 are the people who have marketstalls or shops and who are selling.
Merchandise10 – is the product they're selling, whether it'sfood, clothes, antiques,or anything else.
Now as you listen to Jonathan, try to answer this question:
What's the difference between Portobello Road and othershopping streets?
JonathanThe real difference you'll notice is the lack of big chainstores. The area has a semi-protected status so you get alot of small traders in there who would never be able toafford to run a shop anywhere else. So you'll getcompletely unique shops and stalls selling very, veryunusual merchandise. It's unlike11 any other street in Londonand is well worth a visit.
Jackie: Did you get the answer? The difference isit's not just full of big chains, selling the same thingsas everywhere else. There are smaller shops, selling thingsthat are 'unique' – different, unusual.
What kinds of things? You'll hear the word 'memento12', whichmeans a small thing that you keep to remind you ofsomething. And you'll hear the word'bric-a-brac' – Jonathan will explain what that means13.
JonathanAnything and everything! I mean, there are some stalls andthere are some shops which are very expensive and they willhave wonderful furniture or paintings and then there willbe a stall that will be selling what we would call in thiscountry 'bric-a-brac' and that can be anything from alittle cup, to a tin, to a glass, to a toy, you name it!
And that is the great thing about going to Portobello Road,is that you're never sure what you're going to find. For afew pounds you'll come away with a lovely memento of Londonand something, probably, that's almost unique.
BBC LEARNING ENGLISHJackie: The market takes place every Saturday. Whydoes Jonathan think it's good to go early?
JonathanIt opens quite early. If you were to arrive there, say, atseven o'clock in the morning it would already be there fullof dealers and a lot of the stalls would all be up andrunning and that would be the time to get the reallyinteresting bargains.
Jackie: Jonathan says if you go early, that's thebest time to pick up an interesting bargain. A 'bargain' issomething you buy cheaper than the usual price:
Voice: This jumper was a real bargain – it was reducedfrom 30 pounds to 14! Jackie: So you can go early to getan interesting bargain. There's another way ofgetting a good bargain. Listen to Jonathan again. You'llhear the word 'haggle14'. Try to work out from the contextwhat 'to haggle' means.
JonathanIf you see something on a store and you think 'I reallylike that, but it's a bit too expensive,' haggle! Say tothe man or the woman 'What's the best price you can do onthis?' And if they want to sell it they'll give you aprice.
Jackie: To 'haggle' is to argue over the price ofsomething with the person who is selling it. In most shopsin Britain, you shouldn't try to haggle because there is afixed price for things. But in many markets and in somesmaller shops you can sometimes haggle to get a betterprice for whatever you want to buy.
Well, Portobello Road is certainly one of my favouritestreets in London and if you're visiting the capital cityand want to pick up a memento of London or a good bargain,it's certainly the place to go.

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abbr.(=British Broadcasting Corporation)英国广播公司 | |
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n.学问,学识,学习;动词learn的现在分词 | |
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n.摊位,铺子,售货亭 | |
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n.戏院正厅前排座位,前座观众;摊( stall的名词复数 );熄火;厩;(房间内的)小隔间 | |
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adj.古时的,古代的;n.古物,古器,古玩 | |
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n.废弃的旧物;破烂物 | |
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n.商人( dealer的名词复数 );贩毒者;毒品贩子;发牌者 | |
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n.商人( trader的名词复数 );经商者;商船;(证券交易中不为他人作代理而自行交易的)交易人 | |
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n.背景,环境,上下文,语境 | |
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n.商品,货物;v.经营,推销,销售,经商 | |
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adj.不同的,不相似的;prep.不像,和...不同 | |
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n.纪念品,令人回忆的东西 | |
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n.方法,手段,折中点,物质财富 | |
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vi.讨价还价,争论不休 | |
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