It was so light that it almost was white in color. She was facing the parallel side of the club from where she was standing1. The lighting2 is not too good in the club because there are no windows, but I could see her clear as day. Thinking I left the Emergency exit where I emptied the trash unlocked, I was about to shout at her to say we were closed.
Just then something stopped me from speaking. Most people say when they see something paranormal they get cold, not in my case. I got incredibly hot. Even standing there with the fridge door open in a naturally cool place, I grew as hot as the afternoon sun beaming outside. I stood still in silence for about 5 mins staring at her, as she did not move. I then grasped some courage and said "hey, how did you get in here we are closed!" As I said this she turned to look at me, that's when I noticed the other side of her face that was not visible to me before was MISSING! This freaked me out so much that my blood ran as cold as the fridge standing open. I stood frozen for a few minutes refusing to look away as she stood there and returned my gaze. Now I do not know what came over me because I now started to chase after her. Most people would think I am crazy to chase after a ghost but my bold stupidity of working security and liking3 to throw my weight around took over.
我还没有喊出口,好像有什么东西让我说不出话来.很多人都说当他们碰到一些灵异的事情的时候都会觉得冷,可我却不同.我觉得很热,虽然我当时站在那儿,冰箱门也是开的,本来应该很凉快,可是我却热得好像在室外接受午后阳光的炙烤.我静静地看了她大约有五分钟,她也没有动.最后我终于鼓足勇气说”你好,我们已经关门了,你怎么进来的?”我说话间,她转了过来看着我,之前我都看不到她的脸,这时我才注意到她正面根本就没有脸.我被吓得半死,血立刻变得和还开着的冰箱一样凉.我动也不敢动地又站了几分钟,盯着她,而她也站在那,回应着我的目光.现在我也不知道我到底是怎么了,因为我开始追着她跑,很多人肯定都会觉得我真是疯了,居然追着个鬼跑, 但当时我所想到是俱乐部的安全,此外,自己还想着耍一下威风,于是我居然盛气凌人地向她追去。

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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.照明,光线的明暗,舞台灯光 | |
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n.爱好;嗜好;喜欢 | |
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