B: Look...if you review our file you'll find that we are long-term loyal customers who have bought a significant amount of software from your company. Are you really telling me that you're just going to ignore a major mistake? I don't think your attitude is very professional.
G: I'm sorry, sir...but I am not authorized1 to offer any compensation at this time.
B: Then who would be authorized to do so?
G: You would have to speak with my supervisor2.
B: Okay then, is your supervisor currently available?
Bob所在公司是GlobalCom的老客户了,这次订单出现差错,Bob觉得客户服务Gloria的态度很不专业not very professional. Gloria表示道歉,告诉Bob说,她无权向客户承诺任何补偿,I'm not authorized to offer any compensation at this time. not authorized to do something意思是没有权力做某事。Bob要求跟Gloria的上司说话,
G: I believe he is...please hold ...
J: Hello, this is supervisor JIM Bradley. Gloria told me your items did not arrive on time. We're very sorry for the inconvenience.
B: I appreciate your apology, but because we did not cancel the order I believe I'm within my rights to ask for some sort of compensation.
J: Let me look over your file one more time...do you mind holding again?
B: No, that's fine.
Gloria的上司JIM初步了解情况后,对订货没有按时抵达给Bob公司造成的不便感到抱歉,We're sorry for the inconvenience. Bob解释说,订单不是他们取消的,做为客户,他们有权得到某种形式的赔偿。It's within our rights to do something... 意思是我们有权做某事。JIM听了以后,让Bob在电话上稍候,等她仔细查查是怎么回事。
J: Mr. Johnson, I believe I know what the problems is. It seems one of our staff confused your order with another client's canceled order. We deeply regret this error and I will have your items shipped out to you today by express mail at no added charge to you. You should receive your software within 24 hours.
B: Well, thank you. I appreciate your prompt service.
J: Also in accordance with our compensation policy, we will only charge you for half of the original order. I hope these measures are satisfactory.
B: Yes, absolutely. Thank you very much Ms. Bradley. you've been very helpful.
J: You're very welcome, and I hope you'll continue working with GlobalCom.
B: We definitely will. Thank you again.
J: Not at all. Goodbye, Mr. Johnson.
查询结果证明,确实是JIM公司员工的失误造成订单被取消,Bob的公司没有责任。做为补救,JIM表示,第一,马上把Bob订购的软件用特快转递寄出,by express mail,不收取任何额外费用 at no added cost. 保证货物24小时内送达,第二,根据公司的赔偿政策,这次订单费用只收取百分之五十。Bob对这种解决方式感到非常满意。

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a.委任的,许可的 | |
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n.监督人,管理人,检查员,督学,主管,导师 | |
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