I warm up to alway just kinda doing a mental check of my body 我热身的时候总是脑子里检查一下自己的身体状态
Like, what's tight, what's pulling on me, what's not pulling on me, how do I loosen1 it up, how to get things going 比如,哪些部位有点紧,哪些部位紧,哪些部位松,怎么放松,怎么进入状态
And my body felt a little... stiff 然后,我的身体感觉有些僵硬
I remember getting loosed up, getting it going and then finally the game kinda working myself into leahter 我记得我开始放松进入状态,慢慢进入比赛的感觉
My body felt good 我的身体感觉挺好
I never work so much in my entire career in terms of preparation 整个职业生涯我都没有在热身准备上下这么多功夫
And getting my body physically ready night in and night out 然后为了让我的身体做好比赛的准备,我会没日没夜地训练
And I've been playing some of my best basketball 然后我一直保持着巅峰期
What I always try to do through injuries is not think about them 我对伤病的处理方式是不去想它
Because the game itself is more significant than the injury 因为比赛本身比伤病更重要
You don't feel the injury, the jnjury won't get in the way, because the injury is not important to you 比赛的时候,我感觉不到伤病,伤病不在我注意力范围之内,因为它不重要

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vt.放松,松开,解除(便秘等),放宽;vi.变松,松弛 | |
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