I've talked to Bill Russell a lot 我和比尔·拉塞尔交流甚多
About what you have to deal through... 都是关于他打球时的曲折
Deal with signing with the Celtics 签约凯尔特人
Being an African American in that city, at that moment in time, that kind of organization 而且是在那个种族隔离时代,在波士顿这座城市中的黑人球员,还代表着这样伟大的球队
And he used to tell me some unbelievable stories about the things he used to hear 他常和我说一些不可思议的故事,也是他以前听过的
and stance, stance he used to experience at home and threats1, and things of that sort and the pay 还有那时候的社会风气,他在主场感受到的观众气氛,甚至还有各种威胁,诸如此类,当然也有代价
Things he had to stand up and fight for as a culture 他为了黑人文化站出来,做出的斗争
and you know he was a big influence for me and educating me on where things were and then to where we progressed to 他对我有很深的影响,一直教育我,告诉我以前的人、事、物,也告诉我我们应该朝哪个方向努力
What's... still understanding that there's still much work to be done 还有……要明白哪些工作尚未完成
And it's important for athletes to use that platform in whatever way they feel comfortable 运动员要利用好这种社会平台,不论怎样利用都好,这个责任十分重要
Some people do it publicly other people do it privately, but the important thing is to move the needle 有人愿在公开场合发声,有人则更喜欢私下默默贡献,但最主要的还是要在社会上形成影响力
My favorite athlete is Jim Brown 我最喜欢的运动员是吉姆·布朗
Similar to Bill Russell has great stories 和比尔·拉塞尔相似,布朗也有许多传说
My favorite photo was Jim Brown, Bill Russell, Kareem and Muhammad Ali 我最喜欢的一张照片,里面布朗、拉塞尔,天勾贾巴尔和拳王穆罕默德·阿里同聚一堂
All sitting in suits, voicing their opinion 西装革履,高谈阔论
I like the way they did it and again you know athletes can use the voice any way they want but 我喜欢他们发声的方式,还是那句话,运动员可以用任何方式表达内心的声音
My advice to them is if you are gonna be about it, always be about it, because if you look at Muhammad Ali and Bill Russell 我的建议是,如果你决定去传播你的影响力,那就全身心投入,因为你看,拉塞尔、阿里他们
They started at day one and then continued until you know 他们都是从决定的那一刻起便一直不懈努力,直至
their last breath but you know for me it's Jim Brown, I love him 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已,但说回主题,我最喜欢吉姆·布朗,非常非常喜欢
and you know for me growing up knowing who Jim Brown was for the first time seeing him he said hey Shaq I love your game, I was wow 从小到大我一直知道吉姆·布朗的地位,而我第一次见到他,他说,嘿,沙克,我喜欢看你打球,我想,哇塞
the great Jim Borwn said he loves my game, so he's my favorite guy 伟大的吉姆·布朗说爱看我打球,所以他真的是我最喜欢的运动员

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威胁,恐吓( threat的名词复数 ); 可能造成威胁的人[事,想法]; 恶兆,兆头 | |
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