LeBron to acertain extent1 it feels like every time you step between the lines, there's a certain referendum on your career and you keep going on and on 勒布朗,一定程度上来说你给人感觉每次你上场时,你的生涯都要被人说三道四,但你却一往直前
What's inspiring you even though you face obstacles2, you face another one in the finals regardless3 of who comes out 是什么激励着你,即便面对重重阻碍仍不回头,而且到总决赛,不论谁胜出,你都会面对有一个巨大挑战
Cause at the end of the day, the man above has given me a guide, given the ability and I just try to take full advantage of it 因为不论世事如何,我都信奉着上帝给予我的指引,还有他赐给我的能力,我只是充分去利用这份力量
Win, lose or draw no matter what, at the end of my career you never get someone to say he didn't leave it all on the floor 胜、败、平,不管是什么,在我职业生涯结束之时绝对不会有人说詹姆斯没有在场上倾尽全力
You know, wins or losses4 or ties are things that happens to other course of life 你懂得,胜败乃兵家常事,人生其他方面也都是有赢有输
It's just how you pick yourself up how you continue to get better and better (重要的)只是你怎么重拾自我,丰富自我,提高自我
And the difference between me and a lot of other people 我与很多人的区别在于
You know a lot of other people have played the game of basketball. they get so in-depth and so deep about you know, putting everything in the game of basketball 你知道全世界打篮球的人数不胜数,但他们太苛求于让篮球成为自己生活的全部
I'm just I'm true to who I am 但我只是真实地面对自己
And then at the end of the day, what ever happens happens. So 最后的最后,一切皆过眼烟云,过去便过去。所以
you know I could care less about finals records I could care less about who played well in this game or 我完全不在乎总决赛战绩,不在乎这场比赛哪名队员发挥得好
you know if my teammates don't show up because I know how much I've put into the game and nobody can take that away from me 或者哪名队员没有站出来,因为我知道我为比赛付出了多少,这是任何人不能否认不能夺走的东西
Congratulations to the 2018 Eastern Conference Champion Cleveland Cavaliers 再次恭喜2018东部冠军克利夫兰骑士

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n.程度,范围,限度;广度,宽度,大小 | |
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n. 干扰;障碍 | |
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adj.不留心的,不注意的;不管,不顾;adv.无论如何,不管怎样 | |
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n.损失( loss的名词复数 );损耗;失败;降低 | |
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n.工艺,手艺;小船,飞机;行业;诡计 | |
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