5, 这个男孩被父母宠坏了.
The boy was spoiled by his parents.
6, 加入我们的比赛,你会喜欢的.
Join our game and you will enjoy it.
7, 噪音烦死人了.
The noise is very annoying.
8, 她对她的雇员们感到失望.
She was disappointed with her employees.
9, 男孩的声音里充满了欢乐.
The boy's voice was full of joy.
The little boy enjoys destroying toys.
1, 选择权在你, 告诉我们你的决定就行了.
The choice is yours, just tell us what you decide.
2, 这些苍蝇真烦人.
These flies are annoying me.
1, 很抱歉让你失望,但我真的无法同意你的意见.
I'm sorry to disappointed you, but I really can't agree.
2, 他的声音很嘈杂, 非常烦人.
He has a noisy voice.
3, 我的嗓子哑了.
I've lost my voice.
4, 瞧这些孩子玩玩具真叫人高兴.
It's a joy to watch the boy playing with his toys.
5, 他逐条解释了他的计划.
He explained his plan point by point.
6, 汤姆是某合资企业的一位职员.
Tom's an employee in a joint1 venture.
I was annoyed.
I was annoyed at the boy.
I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy.
I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy which belongs to Joy.
1, enjoy 喜爱/享受
2, destroy 破坏
3, spoil 宠坏
4, join 参加
5, employ 雇佣
6, avoid 避免
7, voice 声音
8, annoying 令人烦恼
9, envoy 特使
10 point 要点/观点

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adj.联合的,共同的;n.关节,接合处;v.连接,贴合 | |
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