I called to the guard and then made my way forward as quickly as possible. 我招呼一位警卫过来,然后尽快赶去机车。
I reached the back platform of the tender, and there stood Kroller upon the engine board, 我走到供给车厢操作台后端,马丁站在引擎室旁边,
his hat and coat off, his long black hair floating wildly in the wind, 他的帽子和外套脱掉了,长长的黑发在风中杂乱飞舞,
his shirt unbuttoned at the front, his sleeves rolled up, with a pistol in his teeth, 衬衫纽扣也解开了,袖口高高挽起,嘴里居然还衔着一把枪。
and thus glaring upon the fireman, who lay motionless upon the fuel. 他的眼珠瞪着溜圆,直勾勾地看着那位锅炉工,那位工人手脚不停,正忙着给机车添加燃料,
and the whole engine was quivering and swaying as though it would shiver to pieces. 整列火车颤抖摇晃着,好像立马要散了架似的。
“Kroller! Kroller!” I cried, at the top of my voice. “克罗尔!克罗尔!”我声嘶力竭地叫着,
The crazy engineer started, and caught the pistol in his hand. 那位疯狂的司机愣了一下,将手枪用手接住。
Oh, how those great black eyes glared, and how ghastly and frightful2 the face looked! 天呀,那双瞪如牛铃的黑眼睛扑闪着,那脸看起来那么可怖惨白!
“Ha! ha! ha!” he yelled demoniacally, glaring upon me like a roused lion. “哈!哈!哈!”他魔鬼般嘶叫着, 像一头醒狮那样瞪视我。
They said that I could not make it! But see! see! See my new power! See my new engine! I made it, and they are jealous of me! 他们说我无法做到!可是,看呀!看呀!看我新的机车!看我新的发动机!我创造出新的速度,他们嫉妒死我了!
I made it, and when it was done, they stole it from me. 这是我的功劳,所有发明完成后,他们从我这偷走技术,
But I have found it! For years I have been wandering in search of my great engine, and they said it was not made. 可是我,才是这一发明的主人。多年来,我一直到处寻找我那了不起的发动机,他们一直说那是不可能造出来的,
But I have found it! I knew it this morning when I saw it at Dantzic, and I was determined3 to have it. 就在今天早上,就在丹兹克,我终于找到了,我决心拥有它,
And I've got it! Ho! ho! ho! we're on the way to the moon, I say! 我总算成功了。嗬! 嗬! 嗬!我们已在去月球的路上了。
We'll be in the moon in four and twenty hours. 我宣布,我们将在24小时后抵达月球。

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n.门闩,窗闩;弹簧锁 | |
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adj.可怕的;讨厌的 | |
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adj.坚定的;有决心的 | |
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n.反派演员,反面人物;恶棍;问题的起因 | |
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