“Corporal Green!” the orderly cried; “格林下士!”执勤官点名叫着。
“Here!” was the answer, loud and clear, from the lips of a soldier standing1 near; “到!”声音清晰响亮,一位士兵,旁边大声回答。
And “here!” was the word the next replied. “到!”下一个回答,
“Cyrus Drew!” and a silence fell; “赛勒斯·德鲁!”一片沉默,
This time no answer followed the call; 人群中,无人应答。
Only his rear man saw him fall, 他身后士兵,见他最后倒下,
Killed or wounded he could not tell. 但无法知道,他死去或受伤。
There they stood in the fading light, 士兵们站在,昏黄灯火下,
These men of battle, with grave, dark looks, as plain to be read as open books, 一群赴死的人,面容阴沉晦暗,生死不足惜,犹如必须打开的书,
While slowly gathered the shades of night. 鲜活生命,集聚死亡魅影对岸。
The fern on the slope was splashed with blood, 山坡上青草,溅满斑斑血迹,
And down in the corn, where the poppies grew, 山下玉米地,罂粟抽出枝节,
Were redder stains than the poppies knew; 殷红的血,让毒蛇之吻失去颜色,
And crimson-dyed was the river’s flood. 满河腥烈,满眼心颤。
For the foe2 had crossed from the other side that day, in the face of a murderous fire 那天,敌人从对岸猛扑过来,大火凶残,烧了个天昏地暗,
That swept them down in its terrible ire; 杀声震天,士兵们纷纷倒下,
And their lifeblood went to color the tide. 鲜血洇红河水,硝烟弥漫河畔。
“Herbert Cline!” At the call there came two stalwart soldiers into the line, “赫伯特·克莱恩!”执勤官还在点名,两位伤者,坚定地走进队列,

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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.敌人,仇敌 | |
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