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密歇根新闻广播(News for Michigan)

  • 密歇根新闻广播 五大湖出现太多海七鳃鳗 Lakes Superior and Erie have too many sea lampreys. The invasive fish latch onto big fish like lake trout and salmon and drink their blood and body fluids. A single lamprey can kill up to 40 pounds of fish in its lifetime. Marc Gaden is the communica
  • 密歇根新闻广播 密歇根的球迷需要对吉姆哈博更有耐心 After the Michigan Wolverines lost to Michigan State, they beat Indiana and then traveled to Happy Valley to take on Penn State, looking for a little more redemption. What a difference a year makes. When Penn State visited Michigan last year, the Wol
  • 密歇根新闻广播 美国仍有民主吗 Last night, the main ballroom was filled to capacity at the Atheneum Suite Hotel in Detroit's Greektown, a place designed partly to attract higher-stakes gamblers. But no one among the hundreds present was there to do anything except gamble that this
  • 密歇根新闻广播 奥克兰公司的水管破裂 Thousands of people in Oakland County are still dealing with a mandatory boil water advisory this weekend. It was issued after a broken water transmission main caused system pressure to drop, and then extended after another leak was detected. The CEO
  • 密歇根新闻广播 底特律妇女游行来抵制特朗普的议程 The Women's Convention in Detroit this weekend bills itself as the follow-up to the Women's March that brought massive crowds to city streets across the world the day after the president took office. The day after President Trump's inauguration, mill
  • 密歇根新闻广播 密歇根州长竞选中的金钱谈判 We are now a year away from Election 2018. It's the time when the concept of who a candidate might be is starting to create the reality of who that candidate will be. We are in the period of time when candidates running for office in 2018 are trying
  • 密歇根新闻广播 对枪支理智的呼吁 I'm not big on ideology. I've known communists and Ayn Randers, and both live in closed systems that are substitutes for really having to think. The communists are pretty much limited to a few websites these days, and I don't get the sense that middl
  • 密歇根新闻广播 密歇根民主党来年处境更难 A year ago, I was talking to Matt Grossman, the pollster and political scientist at Michigan State University. Like most of us, he didnt expect Donald Trump would win. But he told me that if he did, 2018 would be a horrible year for Michigan Republic
  • 密歇根新闻广播 健康管理局的腐败问题 Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette hasn't hesitated to launch investigations into a number of agencies whose behavior he's found questionable. So he might want to seriously consider looking at potential corruption at the Detroit Wayne Mental Hea
  • 密歇根新闻广播 克诺尔伯格对密歇根教师的短缺感到震惊 State Senator Marty Knollenberg of Troy doesn't have a reputation as a great humorist in politics. He's not the Al Franken of the Michigan Senate, shall we say. But he actually made me laugh out loud this week. The Michigan Department of Education re
  • 密歇根新闻广播 过去的政治家愿意支持两党合作 A year ago today, Michigan and the nation stunned the world by electing a President whose platform essentially repudiated a bipartisan legacy of steadily increasing international ties on issues from military affairs to the environment to trade. My gu
  • 密歇根新闻广播 城市如何推动我们生活中的生物进化 Cities are creating new ecosystems, and they're changing the way some creatures evolve. Those are the findings of a new paper in the journal Science. Jason Munshi-South is an author of the paper and an associate professor of biological sciences at Fo
  • 密歇根新闻广播 汽车保险费取决于你住的街道 汽车保险费取决于你住的街道 Detroit has the highest auto insurance costs in the nation. Depending on the survey, it costs somewhere between seven thousand and ten thousand dollars a year. A lot of the cost is wrapped up in Personal Injury
  • 密歇根新闻广播 灵魂食物是素食吗 Typically, when you think of soul food you don't think vegan. You think meat, cheese and butter. But, can BBQ soul food be vegan? Many might say that is only an oxymoron. Local Detroiters Kirsten Ussery and Erika Boyd are challenging the soul-food no
  • 密歇根新闻广播 名字里含什么 The debate over what we, as residents of Michigan, are officially called may soon be over. Headed to Governor Snyder's desk is a package of recently passed bills that modernize the 1913 statue that created the Michigan Historical Commission. In these