A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!
B: 我是Kat! 杨琳,快来说说咱们今天都要学什么?
A: 今天,咱们一起去看看Ryan的健身成果,讨论电话礼仪,学学怎么说把损害控制在最低限度,还要教大家怎么说摇摇欲坠!
A: 哈哈,对对,我们都有过经验啦! 咱们言归正传,赶快先来进入第一个单元,Learn a Word!
Learn A Word # 1534 teeter
今天我们要学的词是teeter. Teeter is spelled t-e-e-t-e-r, teeter. Teeter 的意思是“摇摇欲坠,摇摆不定”。 尽管欧盟决定出资救市,Spain's banking3 system is still teetering on the edge of disaster. 西班牙银行系统还是徘徊在灾难的边缘。Japanese media said the Japanese IT parts, materials and finished goods sectors4 are teetering on the brink5 of collapse6. 日本媒体说,日本的IT业的零件、材料和成品领域都已经游走在崩溃的边缘。在英国曼彻斯特,A police officer pulled the driver from a burning car as it teetered on the edge of a motorway7 bridge. 一名警察从起火的汽车中拽出了一个司机,当时那辆车已经在高架桥边上摇摇欲坠了。好,今天我们学习的词是teeter, teeter, teeter...
A: Why? What happened?
B: Ok...So over the weekend I went home to visit my parents. And my dad and I decided10 that we need some exercise and started to play touch football in our house. Before we knew it, my mom's favorite vase was teetering right on the edge of the coffee table...then CRASH..完蛋啦...
A: OoOoO... you must have had to do some serious damage control!
B: I tried...but more on that later! 咱们先一块来听听怎么用这个damage control吧!
Words and Idioms #972
现在播送美国习惯用语第 972讲。我是杨琳。
M:我是 Dan Markus.
M: Damage control. Damage is spelled d-a-m-a-g-e, and control; c-o-n-t-r-o-l. Damage control. Damage control.
我们都知道,damage这个词本身是破坏,损坏的意思,而control,控制。连在一起,damage control,损害控制,意思就是采取措施将造成的损害降到最低。就像上面的例子里,My cousin told my aunt that he was sorry and sent her flowers. It's DAMAGE CONTROL. 我表哥又道歉又送花,试图把损害降到最低。下面的例子里,我们来听听看这个叫Drake的人怎么搞砸了他的晋升:
M: "There were some doubts about whether Drake would be an effective Union president. Then, he made a racial remark in a speech at an assembly. At first, he ignored critics. Later, he tried to make a joke of it before deciding to offer a public apology. In the end, his attempts at DAMAGE CONTROL weren't successful. He lost out on the promotion11."
M: "There were some doubts about whether Drake would be an effective union president. Then, he made a racial remark in a speech at an assembly. At first, he ignored critics. Later, he tried to make a joke of it before deciding to offer a public apology. In the end, his attempts at DAMAGE CONTROL weren't successful. He lost out on the promotion."
刚刚我们谈到,如果做错了什么事情,就应该马上进行damage control,尽量把伤害降到最低程度。下面的例子里,这位足球妈妈就意识到了自己的错误。她做了什么来补救呢? 我们来听听看:
M: "My wife knew she was wrong. She should never have told our daughter's soccer coach that he'd made a lot of bad calls at the game. Fortunately, she wasted no time explaining how she'd been inappropriate, followed by offering him an invitation to dinner at our house. Thanks to my wife's DAMAGE CONTROL, the coach isn't upset anymore."
这段话是说: 我太太知道她做错了。她不应该指责我女儿足球教练在比赛中决策失误。好在,她一点也没耽搁,马上去跟教练解释,说自己这种做法不合适,还邀请他来我们家吃饭。她这么努力把造成的损害降到最低程度,教练也就不再生气了。
所以说,越快补救,损害就越小! Damage control 这个短语最初出现在20世纪50年代,那时候,这个短语只限于用在把一个船只事故的损害降到最低。慢慢地,人们开始把这个短语引伸出来使用,到现在,damage control 可以用在任何需要进行补救的场合中。好的,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:
M: "My wife knew she was wrong. She should never have told our daughter's soccer coach that he'd made a lot of bad calls at the game. Fortunately, she wasted no time explaining how she'd been inappropriate, followed by offering him an invitation to dinner at our house. Thanks to my wife's DAMAGE CONTROL, the coach isn't upset anymore."
今天我们学习的习惯用语是 damage control,意思是“损害控制,把损害降到最低程度”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是Dan Markus。谢谢各位的收听。
B: OK...So after the vase accident, my dad and I started to work on damage control immediately. We cooked dinner, cleaned the house and got my mom a new vase with some beautiful flowers!
A: Wow! 你妈值了!不用做饭收拾屋子,还有新花瓶,划得来!
B: Actually, that vase was a wedding present from my grandfather, so she was really pissed off and didn't speak to us for the whole day!
A: 哈哈,我真想看你胆颤心惊的样儿!
B: Hey-come on! Thank God that my mom finally forgave us. It also taught us a lesson: DON'T DO ANY ATHLETICS12 IN THE HOUSE!
A: 我小时候也经常在家跟我爸进行功夫大赛! 不过既然咱们说到了athletics, 今天Ryan要来跟Alice展示他的健身成果,咱们一块去看看吧!
Athletics: Advanced
Professor: Today Ryan is meeting for coffee with his friend Alice, who he hasn't seen for a few months. Ryan has been working out a lot during that time and has gotten in really fantastic shape.
Professor: Let's listen and find out!
Alice: Oh my gosh, Ryan, is that you? I hardly recognized you!
Wow, you look so .... different! Have you been working out?
Ryan: Hey Alice. Yeah, I've been working out pretty hard core lately. I go to the gym every day to work out with my personal trainer, Hans.
Alice: Uh ... yeah I can tell. I mean, your shirt barely13 fits you anymore because your muscles are so big.
Ryan: Yeah, I've been spending all my money on my personal trainer and gym fees so I didn't have any money left over to buy new clothes.
Alice: Are you sure you aren't going a little overboard?
Ryan: No way! You know, girls like guys with huge muscles, and I can't blame them. Sometimes I spend hours just looking at myself in the mirror.
Alice: Right ... girls love guys who spend more time in front of the mirror than they do.
看来,Ryan是真下功夫锻练啦! 他一直在 working out "hard core" - 坚持不懈地锻练。现在他变成肌肉男啦,Alice都快认不出他了!
Professor: Right. And not only that, he has gotten so big that his clothes don't fit him anymore. But why does he say he doesn't get new clothes?
因为他把所有钱都花在健身房会员费和雇personal trainer -“私人健身教练”上了! 这的确是有点go overboard - 过份了。
Professor: So you agree that women don't like guys who spend all their time at the gym?
去健身房锻练是可以,不过,Ryan 说他现在经常花几个小时照镜子,欣赏自己的肌肉,这可就让人受不了!
Alice: Well, I'm interested to hear more about what you've been doing lately. But first I want to get a latte. What kind of coffee do you want?
Ryan: No coffee for me! That's way too many calories, and I have to stay on my fitness14 regimen. I'll just have a glass of water.
Alice: We're meeting at a coffee shop, and you don't want any coffee? Well OK ... do you want something to eat? Maybe a sandwich or something?
Ryan: No thanks, there are way too many carbohydrates15 in the bread. I'm just going to have this protein drink that I brought with me.
看来,Ryan在严格执行fitness regimen - 瘦身养生法。Alice请他喝咖啡,可他嫌咖啡的calories - “卡路里”太多。
Professor: That's right. It's one thing to maintain a healthy diet, but that sounds a little crazy.
就是的! 他还说,三明治他也不吃,因为面包里有太多carbohydrates - 碳水化合物!
Professor: That definitely doesn't sound like a healthy diet to me.
可不! Ryan现在似乎只喝protein drinks - 蛋白质饮料! 这有点过头了吧!
Alice: You know, Ryan, I totally support you getting in shape, and I'm really impressed that you have been able to stay so motivated. But I think exercise is best done in moderation.
Ryan: Oh yeah, I totally agree. For example, I usually do at least two workouts at the gym per day, but on Christmas I only did one because it was a holiday.
Alice: Well let me ask you a question. If women really love your new physique, how will you have time to date when you have to spend all your time at the gym working out?
Ryan: Don't worry! Once I find a girlfriend, I'll stop working out and get really fat.
Alice: Well, Ryan, I am very jealous of whatever lucky lady finds you.
啊?原来Ryan健身的目的就是吸引女孩子啊?他说,一旦找到女朋友,就立刻停止锻练,让自己变成大胖子。根本不想保持现在全新的physique - 体形。 Professor Bowman,不会所有男人都在打这种如意算盘吧?
Professor: Well if you have to choose between a really vain guy and a lazy guy, who would you pick?
是要vain guy - 虚荣的男人,还是lazy guy - 懒惰的男人? 我想,我还是养只狗吧!
A: 原来Ryan has been working out hardcore, 坚持不懈的锻炼,而且只喝protein shake 蛋白质饮料,目的就是为了吸引女孩子啊!
B: I think a lot of guys just go to the gym to show off their muscles!
A: 哈哈,不过啊,如果能一边健身一边欣赏帅哥,也不错!
B: 你又做梦了! Showing off is annoying, but there are worse things: yesterday I was at the gym and there was this guy who was on the phone, chatting away like there was no one else around! So annoying!
A: I know. People today don't pay attention to etiquette16 the way they used to. Yesterday I was having dinner with a friend and she was constantly checking her phone! 简直就像患了电话迷恋症!
B: That's a modern day disease. In today's business etiquette, we are going to take a look at a brand new idea: allowing people to use their cell phones while in the air!
A: 哦? 在飞机上也能打电话? 这听着还不错, 咱们赶快去一探究竟吧!
礼节美语 - BE-249 Cell Phones I
Sue: Hey George, take a look at this article. It says several major airlines are considering allowing people to use their cell phones while in the air.
George: Oh no, really? That's one of the worst ideas I've ever heard.
S: Oh? Why do you feel that way?
G: Well, I fly for business quite frequently and a plane is now one of the last places where I don't have to hear people chatting on cell phones. I really enjoy the peace and quiet.
S: But it would be so convenient if we were able to make calls during long flights. Just think of how much work we could get done!
Sue告诉George, 现在好几家航空公司都考虑允许乘客在飞行途中使用手机。George觉得这个主意简直糟糕透了,因为飞机是公共场所里所剩无几不用听别人打电话的地方之一,I really enjoy the peace and quiet. George说自己很享受这种宁静,但是 Sue 觉得,如果能在飞机上打手机,就方便多了,好多事都能在飞机上处理完毕。
G: I think perhaps people are taking the idea of multitasking a little bit too far. I get calls from people on my cell phone and they say things like "Where were you? I've been trying to reach you all afternoon." Well, I was on the golf course and I turned off my cell phone...is that a crime?
S: I see what you mean. We are so connected these days that there is hardly any time for peace and quiet. I'll tell you a secret that's a little embarrassing: I leave my cell phone on all night long, just in case a call comes in.
George觉得有些人 take the idea of multitasking a little bit too far. to take something too far 意思是一件事做得过头了,multitasking is spelled m-u-l-t-i-t-a-s-k-i-n-g, multitasking, multitasking 意思是同时做好几件工作。George说,有时候去打高尔夫球,把手机关机turn off the cell phone,就会有人因为找不到他而质问他到哪里去了,George跟Sue这些手机24小时开机的人形成了鲜明对照。
G: I know lots of people who do that. They say, "what if there is an emergency?" I guess I can understand why someone would feel that way, but I think sometimes we need to turn off our cell phones and tune18 out all the noise.
S: I can see your point. I get really frustrated19 by businesspeople that seem to never put down their cell phone. I have to listen to their long, boring conversations and there is really no way I can tune it out.
G: So people take calls every 2 or 3 minutes! Most of the time I think business conversations can probably wait until you get back to the office.
George认为,不能因为担心别人有急事,就把手机随时开机。Sue对George的看法表示赞同,说 I see your point. point在这里是观点的意思,有时候别人打电话,交谈内容很无聊,可是 There is no way I can tune it out. 我又没办法把这种噪音屏蔽掉,to tune something out意思是不去管它,听而不闻。George也觉得,其实很多跟工作有关的电话都可以等回办公室再打。
A: Well, I'm torn. At first I thought it would be nice if I could talk with my friends during a long, boring flight; but putting myself in other passengers' shoes, hours of endless chatter20 sounds terrifying!
B: Oh-ho-ho, under my influence, you finally learned how to 换位思考! I'm so proud of you, baby!
A: Ehhhh....Kat...
B: Ok ok, kidding. But seriously, I think that is such a bad idea, I really don't want to hear all the details of someone's break-up or the latest details about your gross21 health problems!
A: 那咱们接着来听听Sue和George怎么说吧!
礼节美语 - BE-250 Cell Phones II
S: That's true...we might actually be making more work for ourselves by this constant need to stay in touch.
G: If they allow cell phones on airplanes...we're going to have to hear even more hours of endless chatter.I heard that some trains have what are called "quiet cars" now. People in the quiet cars aren't allowed to talk on cell phones. I think that's an excellent idea! I wish there were more "quiet" places. I'd pay more to eat at a restaurant that banned cell phones.
Sue表示,无时无刻stay in touch保持联系,无疑会让自己的工作量增加。George也担心,如果容许大家在飞机上打电话的话,就又得听别人没完没了的聊大天儿了。George说,现在火车上有不让接听电话的"quiet cars"安静车厢,他希望有更多类似的公共场合,如果哪家餐馆禁止顾客接听手机的话,提高价格他都没有意见。
S: We really don't get a lot of quiet time these days. My brother recently went to a meditation22 center where he didn't speak for three days. He said after three days, he finally noticed how much noise there is everywhere.
G: I think being connected to the world 24 hours a day, 365 days a year isn't healthy. We sometimes need to be alone in order to think.
S: And you can't think if it's noisy.
G: Many famous people discovered important things when they were just sitting silently by themselves...you know the story about Issac Newton, right?
Sue说,现在的生活实在嘈杂,她哥哥最近到一个meditation center静思冥想中心去,三天没说一句话,三天过后才突然间意识到周围的环境是多么地嘈杂。George也觉得,一年365天,一天24小时随时随地 stay connected 跟别人保持联络其实是不利健康的,他还举例说,很多名人的重要发现都是在冥思苦想时发生,比如 Isaac Newton 牛顿。
S: Yep. He came up with the theory of gravity while sitting in a field and watching an apple fall from a tree.
G: He probably wouldn't have had time to think about gravity if he was talking on his cell phone. Anyway, I really hope they don't allow cell phones on planes. We need a few last places without cell phones!
S: All right, I can accept that. And besides, many airlines now allow you to use your laptop during the flight...if you really need to communicate, you can send an e-mail.
Sue说,没错,如果牛顿当时正忙着讲手机的话,就不会came up with the theory of gravity了。 to come up with意思是想到,发现,the theory of gravity意思是万有引力的理论。Sue 最后说,其实,现在很多航空公司都已经允许乘客使用laptop手提电脑了,所以如果在飞行期间需要跟别人联系,发电子邮件就可以了。
B: And that's why I love to meditate23. The world today is so busy and noisy, it's hard for people to sit down quietly and listen to their heart.
A: 我觉得我也该跟你一起去! 现在工作这么忙,我连做梦都梦到我们在开会,太可怕了!
B: There you go! You are totally welcome to come with me!

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n.贿赂;v.向…行贿,买通 | |
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adj.冻结的,冰冻的 | |
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n.银行业,银行学,金融业 | |
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n.部门( sector的名词复数 );领域;防御地区;扇形 | |
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n.(悬崖、河流等的)边缘,边沿 | |
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vi.累倒;昏倒;倒塌;塌陷 | |
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n.高速公路,快车道 | |
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n.(作品的一段)情节,插曲,系列事件中之一 | |
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n.噩梦( nightmare的名词复数 );可怕的事情,无法摆脱的恐惧 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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n.提升,晋级;促销,宣传 | |
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n.运动,体育,田径运动 | |
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adv.仅仅,几乎没有,几乎不 | |
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n.适合,适当,健康,健身 | |
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n.碳水化合物,糖类( carbohydrate的名词复数 );淀粉质或糖类食物 | |
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n.礼仪,礼节;规矩 | |
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vt.控告,起诉;vi.请求,追求,起诉 | |
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n.调子;和谐,协调;v.调音,调节,调整 | |
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adj.挫败的,失意的,泄气的v.使不成功( frustrate的过去式和过去分词 );挫败;使受挫折;令人沮丧 | |
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vi./n.喋喋不休;短促尖叫;(牙齿)打战 | |
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adj.全部的,粗俗的,肥胖的;vt.获得...总收入 | |
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n.熟虑,(尤指宗教的)默想,沉思,(pl.)冥想录 | |
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v.想,考虑,(尤指宗教上的)沉思,冥想 | |
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