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《NBC晚间新闻》(英语:NBC Nightly News)是美国全国广播公司(NBC)的旗舰全国新闻联播节目,每晚从位于纽约洛克菲勒中心的通用电气公司大厦播出。节目从1970年8月3日起改为现称。现在非周末时段的主播为布莱恩·威廉斯(Brian Williams),周末时段的主播为莱斯特·赫特(Lester Holt)。节目从洛克菲勒中心的3B演播室播出。节目现在使用的主题音乐是由著名作曲家约翰·威廉斯(John Williams)创作。截至2011年,该节目作为全美国收视率最高的新闻节目已经超过十年。

  • NBC晚间新闻 飞机航班飞行4小时后返航 For 226 passengers and crew on All Nippon Airlines flight 175, the u-turn was abrupt. On board supermodel Chrissy Teigen diving right into the midair mystery. Hey guys Chrissy Teigen here reporting live. Teigen breaking the news that a rogue passenge
  • NBC晚间新闻 美国防部遭多城市起诉 New York, San Francisco and Philadelphia are suing the Pentagon to fix a long-standing problem first flagged by an inspector general report in 1997. The Department of Defense and the military branches that we've sued have failed miserably in their re
  • NBC晚间新闻 美国夜空现不明飞行物 Oh my god, it's a meteorite. It lit up the night sky. Oh so beautiful. From Hollywood to San Diego to Phoenix. Oh my gosh what is that? People wondering what in the world is that? It was weird - of course we know now. That was the Spacex Falcon 9 roc
  • NBC晚间新闻 美国一大学因学生命案关停兄弟会 Tonight shockwaves through the campus at San Diego State University after the death of Dylan Hernandez. It's horrifying and I feel terrible for the parents. The 19 year old college freshman was rushed to a hospital the day after attending a Phi Gamma
  • NBC晚间新闻 神秘手镯背后的感人故事 For years Neil Ward carpenter was haunted by a faded piece of metal with a mysterious name. Every day, every day for 31 years. A POW/MIA Bracelet something his father bought on a whim. It came in handy when Neil was born and his parents needed a name
  • NBC晚间新闻 女服务员获2020美元小费 At the Thunder Bay River restaurant in Alpena Michigan, one waitress was served a surprise. This doesn't happen to somebody like me. Danielle Franzoni had just finished serving a couple, the bill was 23 bucks, the tip 2020. 2020 dollars. A note on th
  • NBC晚间新闻 波多黎各发生6.4级大地震 Terrified residents ran from stores and homes as a deadly earthquake rocked Puerto Rico. The ground shook at 4:30 this morning. A 6.4 magnitude earthquake. At a local Walmart items flew off the shelves as employees scramble to safety. Terrifying afte
  • NBC晚间新闻 美国RSV感染患者激增 Tonight doctors on alert as hospitals around the country report a dramatic increase of RSV, a respiratory virus, especially serious in babies and older adults. It's not just that we're seeing more RSV this year but the cases that we're seeing are mor
  • NBC晚间新闻 美国6岁男孩结束化疗 Six-year-old John Oliver, J.O. for short, has always been a fighter. Fascinated with history, he loves dressing up as a world war II soldier, brave and strong. In real life he needed to be. In preschool J.O. was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia
  • NBC晚间新闻 啤酒公司在酒瓶上印狗狗照片 Serving up the bow-wow Brewskis in North Dakota to help fidos in need find a new home. Who doesn't like dogs and beer? The folks at the Fargo Brewing Company have a soft spot for our four-legged friends and to assist in getting dogs at a local shelte
  • NBC晚间新闻 美国东部出现特大冬季风暴 A week-long storm strengthened today, burying parts of New England and up to two feet of snow. Buffalo New York woke up this morning to icy conditions. The ice is the hardest part. Maryland and Virginia whipped by high winds. The damage so widespread
  • NBC晚间新闻 美国再出校车事故 It started like any other day. Kids on the ride to school. Until the moment no one saw coming. The violent impact of slamming students against the ceiling then pinning them in as the bus flipped on its side. Come on. Everybody get out. Officials in O
  • NBC晚间新闻 5岁男孩遇火灾从容逃生 There's a new firefighter in town: five-year-old Noah Woods. Yeah I got burned, you got burned right here. Noah's family was asleep Sunday. His mom Tabitha awakened by their barking dog. Then she saw smoke coming from Noah's room. I was so scared tha
  • NBC晚间新闻 美国6岁女孩不幸离世 Heartbreak tonight in Casey South Carolina. It is with extremely heavy hearts that we were announcing that we have found a body that the coroner has identified as Faye Swetlik. Authorities confirming a family's worst fears, finding six-year-old Faye
  • NBC晚间新闻 6岁女孩被送往精神机构 You're not no bad person. The edited body camera footage shows officers escorting a six-year-old girl out of school and to a nearby mental health facility where she would be committed for two days. You gonna be good? The school says they were followi