Mystery Guest
JULIAN VELARD: This is ASK ME ANOTHER, NPR's hour of puzzles, word games and trivia. I'm Julian Velard here with puzzle guru Art Chung. Now here's your host Ophira Eisenberg.
Thank you, Julian. Now, before the break, our contestant1 Jake won his way to the final round. But we're going to find out a little later who he will face off against. But first, we have a game called Mystery Guest. A stranger is about to come onto our stage. Julian and I have no idea what this person does or what makes them special.
But only our puzzle guru Art Chung knows the answer.
ART CHUNG: That's right, I do. Our mystery guest today is responsible for a hot new food trend. Mystery Guest, please introduce yourself.
DARREN WONG: Hi, my name is Darren Wong.
CHUNG: So what's interesting about Darren is that his food creation2 looks like something else. So your job is to tell us what his creation is and what it looks like.
EISENBERG: Both things.
CHUNG: You and Julian will have to ask yes or no questions to figure it out.
EISENBERG: OK, is your food creation made out of meat?
VELARD: Is it made out of bread?
CHUNG: That's it.
EISENBERG: That's it? All right, is it, like, a sculpture?
WONG: Yeah, I'd say that, yeah.
EISENBERG: OK, all right.
VELARD: Is it a vegetable sculpture?
WONG: Oh, I'm going to go with yes.
CHUNG: Plant based is what we said?
WONG: Yeah.
CHUNG: Yeah, it's plant-based.
WONG: Plant-Based is a vegetable.
VELARD: Right, so, like, vegetable, animal, mineral, vegetable, right?
CHUNG: It's not meat.
EISENBERG: Would I recognize it as a plant?
VELARD: Is it seasonal3? Like, can you only eat it in a certain season?
WONG: Well, I've only been in business for one season.
VELARD: Where'd you find this guy, Art?
CHUNG: Ask him how big is it, maybe.
EISENBERG: Yeah, all right. Is it bigger than a bread box? What's a bread box? I don't know what a bread box is.
EISENBERG: Is it bigger...
WONG: I can give you a big clue.
EISENBERG: Give me a big clue.
WONG: It's about the size of a boob.
EISENBERG: It's about the size of a boob, is that what you just said?
EISENBERG: Who's boob?
VELARD: Oh, God. I don't...
CHUNG: Maybe a question of either its color or its consistency4.
EISENBERG: Does it look like a boob?
WONG: Yes, a lot of people have said that.
EISENBERG: A lot of people say it looks like a boob. Is it pinkish, flesh-colored?
VELARD: Does it look like a ghost, like a Pokemon or something? I don't know.
WONG: It is clear.
EISENBERG: It is clear, weird5.
CHUNG: All right, I think we're going to give you one question each. That's a pretty big hint6. It is clear.
EISENBERG: And it's the size of a medium boob.
EISENBERG: What's - oh, I guess jelly7 is see-through. Maybe it's made of jelly.
WONG: It's a jelly.
EISENBERG: What? It's a jelly.
WONG: It's a jelly.
CHUNG: All right, Julian, one more question.
VELARD: Is it a clear marshmallow basketball thing? I don't - really? I was onto something there?
WONG: Pretty close, yeah.
VELARD: Really? Wow.
WONG: There's a lot of...
CHUNG: I think it's pretty close, but we can't give it to you. But Darren, can you please explain your food creation?
WONG: I make the raindrop cake.
VELARD: Oh, my God. I've seen you on television.
CHUNG: All right, Darren, for our listeners at home, please explain what the raindrop cake is.
WONG: So the raindrop cake is made out of agar, which is a seaweed.
WONG: So that's where the plant comes from.
EISENBERG: Right, right. I would have known that.
WONG: And it looks clear. It looks like a giant raindrop. Some people think it looks like a boob.
EISENBERG: Sure. And what made you decide - like, how did you come to create this thing?
WONG: I originally saw it in Japan. And I was sort of inspired. I thought that it would be a really cool sort of trendy New York food item. I thought people would eat it up. And...
EISENBERG: You were right.
WONG: Yeah.
EISENBERG: So how are sales?
WONG: Pretty good.
EISENBERG: Can you keep up with them?
WONG: Yes. I have a kitchen, and I can make thousands in a week.
EISENBERG: And is your background as a - are you, like, a pastry8 person or a chef?
WONG: No, I used to be in advertising9.
EISENBERG: Clearly, yeah, yeah.
CHUNG: And because it doesn't taste like anything, you serve it with...
WONG: Well, whatever toppings we want to put on it. So it's matcha sauce or brown sugar sauce or roasted soybean flowers. So it's kind of nutty and sweet.
CHUNG: And the best part is it's calorie free.
WONG: Except for the toppings.
EISENBERG: Right, he's silent. He's like, yeah, yeah, sure it is. Sure it is. Give it up for our special guest, raindrop cake man Darren Wong.

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n.竞争者,参加竞赛者 | |
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n.创造,创造的作品,产物,宇宙,天地万物 | |
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adj.季节的,季节性的 | |
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n.一贯性,前后一致,稳定性;(液体的)浓度 | |
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adj.古怪的,离奇的;怪诞的,神秘而可怕的 | |
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n.暗示,示意;[pl]建议;线索,迹象;v.暗示 | |
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n.冻,果子冻,胶状物 | |
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n.油酥面团,酥皮糕点 | |
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n.广告业;广告活动 a.广告的;广告业务的 | |
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