Well, I just want to not only welcome Secretary General Rasmussen to my hometown of Chicago -- my understanding is he’s already enjoyed some of the sights, 嗯,我想不仅仅是欢迎秘书长拉斯穆森来到我的家乡芝加哥,我的理解是他喜欢这里的一些风景,
and we were hearing about him jogging along the lake and appreciating the outstanding views and the skyline -- but more importantly, 我们听说他沿着湖边慢跑并欣赏着优秀的美景和地平线——而且更重要的是, I want to thank him for his extraordinary leadership. 我还要感谢他卓越的领导才能。
Secretary General Rasmussen arrived in this post during one of most challenging times that NATO has faced. 秘书长拉斯穆森在北约面临最具挑战性的时期接任这个职位。
He has guided us through some very rocky times. 他曾带领我们度过一些非常艰难困苦的时光。
And I think the results of this NATO Summit are reflective of his extraordinary leadership. 而且我认为北约峰会的结果映射出他那非凡的领导才能。
At this summit, we anticipate not only ratifying1 the plan for moving forward in Afghanistan – 在这次峰会上,我们预计不仅批准阿富汗的前进计划——
a transition process that will bring the war to an end at the end of 2014 and put Afghans in the lead for their own security – 这个过渡的过程将在2014年底结束战争,并且让阿富汗人民掌控自己的安全,
but we’re also going to be talking about the progress that we’ve made in expanding NATO’s defense2 capabilities3 但我们也要谈谈我们在在扩大北约的防卫能力,
ensuring that every NATO member has a stake and is involved and integrated in our mutual4 defense efforts. 确保每一个北约成员国都有份额上所取得的进展,这全部都是与我们的共同防卫的努力密切分不开的。
And we’re going to have an opportunity to talk about the partnerships5 that NATO has been able to set up with like-minded countries around the world, 我们将有一个机会来谈论这些伙伴关系,北约已经能够与全世界志同道合的国家建立合作关系,
and find ways that we can deepen and engage those partners to help to promote security and peace around the world. 并找到方法使我们可以深化并参与这些合作来帮助促进全世界的安全及和平。
All this has happened because of Secretary General Rasmussen’s leadership. 这一切的发生是因为秘书长拉斯穆森的领导。
I’m very proud of the work that he’s done. 我对他做的工作感到非常骄傲。
I think it’s going to be reflected in the success of this summit. 我认为这将反映出这次峰会的成功。
And on behalf of the American people, we want to say thank you. 而且代表美国人民,我们想说一声感谢你。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。
Mr. President, I would like to thank very much for your strong leadership, for your dedication6 to our alliance. 总统先生,我要感谢你的非常强有力的领导,你为我们的联盟所做的贡献。
America has always been a source of strength and inspiration in NATO, 美国一直是北约力量和灵感的一个来源,
and I’m very pleased that we can hold our 25th summit in your home city, Chicago. 我非常高兴我们能你所在的故乡城市,芝加哥举行第25届峰会。
Chicago has always been a place where Europeans and North Americans have come together. 芝加哥一直是欧洲和北美紧密联系在一起的地方。
And now, we have come together to reaffirm the unbreakable bond between us. 而现在,我们一起来重申和美国之间牢不可破的关系。
I look very much forward to a successful summit, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have worked so hard to make this summit a success. 我期待着一个成功的峰会,我谨借此机会感谢所有那些为这次峰会的成功辛苦工作的人们。
And I would like to thank the people of Chicago for their great hospitality. 我要感谢芝加哥的人民,他们非常的殷勤好客。
All right. Thank you so much, everybody. 好吧。非常感谢,谢谢大家。

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v.批准,签认(合约等)( ratify的现在分词 ) | |
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n.防御,保卫;[pl.]防务工事;辩护,答辩 | |
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n.能力( capability的名词复数 );可能;容量;[复数]潜在能力 | |
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adj.相互的,彼此的;共同的,共有的 | |
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n.伙伴关系( partnership的名词复数 );合伙人身份;合作关系 | |
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n.奉献,献身,致力,题献,献辞 | |
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