Thank you.Everybody, please have a seat. 谢谢你们。大家请就坐。
Have a seat. Well, welcome to the White House, everybody. 请就坐。好吧,欢迎来到白宫,欢迎你们。
And congratulations to the L.A. Galaxy1 on your third MLS Cup. Number three. 祝贺洛杉矶银河队获得第三次职业足球大联盟冠军。第三次问鼎冠军。
Before we start, I want to acknowledge an L.A. native and my outstanding Secretary of Labor2 -- I don't know how her game is, but she's a fan. 在我们开始之前,我想介绍一下这位洛杉矶本地人士及我的杰出的劳工部部长——我不知道她的球技如何,但是我确定她的确是一位粉丝。
Hilda Solis is here. 就在这里的希尔达?索利斯。
We’ve got some proud members of the California delegation3, the House of Representatives who are here. 我们这里还有一些骄傲的众议院加州代表团成员们。
We're thrilled to have them. 我们很高兴他们的到来。
I’m not going to flatter myself by assuming these cameras are for me. 我不打算自不量力假设这些相机是专门为我准备。
I want to thank the Galaxy for letting me share in the spotlight4. 我要感谢银河队让我在这聚光灯下与你们一起分享。
The truth is, in America, most professional soccer players have the luxury of being able to walk around without being recognized. 事实上,在美国,大部分的职业足球运动员奢侈的享受着在走路时不会被认出来的待遇。
But not these guys. This is the Miami Heat of soccer. 但不是你们这些家伙。这是迈阿密热火足球队。
And together, they represent one of the most talented lineups that MLS has ever seen. 而且,这代表着有史以来最具才华的美国职业足球大联盟已经今非昔比。
You’ve got Robbie Keane, all-time leading scorer of the Irish national team. 你们有罗比-基恩,这位爱尔兰国家队一直以来的头号射手。
Cousin of mine. Robbie arrived halfway5 through last season, scored his first goal in the first 21 minutes of his first game. 我的表兄弟。上赛季进行到一半时罗比加盟,在他的第一场比赛中在第21分钟就取得了他的首粒进球。
His teammates were so happy to have him that they filled his locker6 with what they called the "pleasures of Ireland" -- Guinness, Bailey’s, and Irish Spring. 他的队友们对他的到来太高兴以致于在他的储物柜中充满了所称的“享乐的爱尔兰”——吉尼斯,贝利的及爱尔兰的春天。
Hopefully Robbie has broadened their horizons a little bit since then. 希望自那时起罗比拓宽了他们的视野。
We also have a young up-and-comer on the team, a guy named David Beckham. 我们在队中也有一位年轻的有着进取心的人,他的名字叫做大卫?贝克汉姆。
I have to say I gave David a hard time -- I said half his teammates could be his kids. 我得说大卫曾经有过艰难的时光——我表示他一半的队友都已经能当他的孩子了。
We're getting old, David. 我们老了,大卫。
Although you're holding up better than me. 尽管你仍然比我更为出色。
Last year, at the age of 36, David had his best year in MLS, leading the team with 15 assists. 去年,36岁的大卫在美国大联盟中度过了最好的一年, 凭借15次助攻领导球队。
He did it despite fracturing his spine7 halfway through the season, injuring his hamstring the week before the championship game.He is tough. 尽管在赛季中途脊柱断裂, 冠军赛前一周肌腱受伤,但他仍然做到了。他非常艰难。
In fact, it is a rare man who can be that tough on the field and also have his own line of underwear. 事实上,在球场上如此硬汉并且也有自己的内衣生产线的人。
David Beckham is that man. 大卫?贝克汉姆就是这样一位。
And then there’s the captain, Landon Donovan who has done more for American soccer than just about anybody. 然后还有这支球队的队长,兰登?多诺万,他对于美国足球比任何人做的都要多。
Landon’s eye for the net, his will to win are legendary8, and once again, he stepped up when his teammates needed him most. 兰登对于胜利的渴望已经成为传奇,再一次,在他的队友们最需要他的时候,他站了出来。
After going undefeated at home last season, the Galaxy was struggling in the cold and rainy championship match. 自从上赛季开始在主场处于不败,银河对正与寒冷的和阴雨连绵的冠军赛对抗。
But then, in the 72nd minute, David headed the ball to Robbie, who made a perfect pass to Landon, who chipped in the game-winner. 不过,在第72分钟,大卫将球传给罗比,后者完美将球传给兰登,兰登破门得分。
And that set off an all-night celebration in L.A. -- although my understanding is that David had to get up for carpool duty at 8 a.m. so his day was ending a little early. 这引发了洛杉矶的通宵庆祝——尽管我的理解是,大卫不得不在8点钟起床去拼车,因此他的那天早早就结束了。
So the big names came through in the clutch, but they didn’t do it alone. 尽管球星们名字闪耀,可他们并不孤独。
For a group with so much firepower, this team shone on defense9, recording10 17 shutouts. 这支球队虽然射门能力犀利,但防守方面也依旧毫不逊色,17次把手城门不失的记录就是如此。
They were led by two local guys -- Omar Gonzalez -- give it up - and A.J. DeLaGarza who won a national championship at Maryland. 由本地的两个家伙——奥马尔?冈萨雷斯——放弃它,及在马里兰大学赢得全国冠军的德拉卡萨缔造。
Now they've got another title to their resumes. 现在他们在自己的履历中又增添了光辉的一笔。
And of course a lot of credit goes to Coach Bruce Arena11. 当然,很多要归功于教练布鲁斯?阿雷纳。
He took this team from worst to first in just four years. 他仅仅用了4年就将最差的这支球队打造成第一名。
And I want to take this opportunity to apologize to Bruce. 我想利用这个机会向布鲁斯道歉。
When I called to congratulate him on winning the Cup, the team was in Indonesia; it was in the middle of the night. 当我打电话祝贺他赢得奖杯时,球队正在印尼,而这是在午夜。
Thank you for taking my call and acting12 like you actually wanted to talk to me. 谢谢你接我的电话,而且你表现的真的想跟我聊天。
So everyone who's a part of this club -- the staff, the players, the fans back in L.A. -- together you pulled off one of the toughest feats13 in team sports: You lived up to the hype. 因此所有人都是这个俱乐部的一部分——员工、球员、回到洛杉矶的球迷——你们在这项团队运动中一起实现了最艰难的成就:你们达到了预期目标。
You combined star power, hard work; it paid off. 明星魅力结合,努力拼搏,最终如愿以偿。
And I also want to thank you for doing a little Q&A with some of the younger players after we’re done. 我还想谢谢在我们完成后做一些问答的一些年轻球员。
As a soccer dad, I know you’ve inspired a lot of kids. 作为一位喜欢足球的父亲,我知道你们激励了很多孩子。
And today you’re giving them an experience that they will never forget. 今天你们给他们的是一种他们将永远不会忘记的经历。
So, again, give a big round of applause to the L.A. Galaxy. 所以,再一次,热烈的掌声献给洛杉矶银河。
Congratulations. 祝贺你们。
Best of luck this season. 本赛季最好的祝福。

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n.星系;银河系;一群(杰出或著名的人物) | |
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n.劳动,努力,工作,劳工;分娩;vi.劳动,努力,苦干;vt.详细分析;麻烦 | |
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n.代表团;派遣 | |
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n.公众注意的中心,聚光灯,探照灯,视听,注意,醒目 | |
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adj.中途的,不彻底的,部分的;adv.半路地,在中途,在半途 | |
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n.更衣箱,储物柜,冷藏室,上锁的人 | |
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n.脊柱,脊椎;(动植物的)刺;书脊 | |
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adj.传奇(中)的,闻名遐迩的;n.传奇(文学) | |
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n.防御,保卫;[pl.]防务工事;辩护,答辩 | |
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n.录音,记录 | |
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n.竞技场,运动场所;竞争场所,舞台 | |
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n.演戏,行为,假装;adj.代理的,临时的,演出用的 | |
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功绩,伟业,技艺( feat的名词复数 ) | |
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